Search For a Book
Interface Definitions
The `Search for a Book' module is called by the Book Administration module . Search for a book will accept one or more of the input fields title, author, subject, and/or call number. These fields will permit a typed string to be entered and perform type ahead by executing the search as each character is typed in. For example, when an `a' is entered in the subject category, then all subjects beginning with `a' will appear. When a `r' is typed in next, all subjects beginning with `r' will appear. The output is a list of books found as just described and sorted according to which ever field the user is presently typing in. This information will be available in a list box below the input fields with a scroll bar for viewing. If the user chooses to, he/she can click on one of the items in the list and the input fields will be completed. There will also be a cancel button to permit the user to exit the module and return to the main menu.
Data Abstractions
author = "string"
call # = "string"
subject = "string"
title = "string"
The interface would require a window titled `Search
for a Book', containing four text boxes are aligned in a such
that there are labels "Call Number: ", "Title:",
"Author:", and "Subject:" all left justified
followed by text boxes on the right of an equal length and also
left justified. The text boxes will accept typed input and can
be maneuvered between by using the tab bar. Below this will be
the command button `cancel' and a list-box with a scroll bar containing
all of the information on book that has resulted from the query.
Error Handling