Report on Status
Interface Definitions:
Inputs to module:
Inputs by user:
Data Abstractions:
Search Parameters (overdue or out or available or hold or maintenance)
Search parameter may include one or more of the above possibilities.
These parameters will be accessed by toggling them on or off.
Display/Print Status.
Environment: GUI (graphical user interface)
Interface: Pop-up window ( see picture file )
The module will present the user with radio buttons (toggles) which will select the attributes required in the report. One will be set to default requiring the user to select at least one of these parameters for the report. A "PROCEED" button and a "CANCEL" button will also be present.
In the main module the user may select from one or more of the parameter fields. Once the selection is made the user may choose to continue with the report or cancel the module and exit from it. If the user wishes to continue then the sub-module will be implemented. This module will initiate a search of the database governed by the selected search parameters. Only those books which match the search parameters will be returned. As the search is conducted the results will be displayed. As a default, the book's identification number and title will be displayed. For each search parameter selected an additional field will be displayed corresponding to the parameter. These results will be displayed in a table. Once all results are displayed the user will be able to scan through them at his/her own leisure. The user is then given the option of exiting out of the module.
Error Handling:
Note: In this module an options menu will be presented to the
user that allows them to only choose from the possible search
parameters. Furthermore, at least one will be selected by default
so that the user can not perform a search on zero parameters.
Since no invalid choices can be made here there will be no need
for an error report.
Display/Print Status:
Interface Definitions:
Inputs by user:
Report should include the following information
Book ID#: integer of length 10.
Book Title: character string.
Optional Fields (Dependent on Search Parameters)
Overdue: (yes/no)
Out: (yes/no)
Available (yes/no)
Hold (hold/recall/in)
Maintenance (yes/no)
The above parameters will be used in comparison of the status
data item in the Book data store in constructing the status report.
Environment: GUI (graphical user interface)
Interface: Pop-up window (No screen shot available)
The module will contain a display box with the report. There will also be a print button and an exit button. By selecting print the data will automatically be routed to the default print device.
Error Handling:
No matches: Although this is not really an error it will be reported as such. A message will be displayed on the screen informing the user that no matches were found to the parameters selected.
Database Error: If there is any corruption in the databases integrity (i.e. Files are missing) the user will be informed and the user will be asked to contact a technician.