Recall a Book

Recall A Book

To recall a book from a customer the librarian must choose the transactions option and then select recall from the available pull down modules. The following information will be required to issue a recall:

Interface Definitions:

Inputs to module:

Inputs by user:


= "Recall book?"

Data Abstractions:

Environment: GUI (graphical user interface)

Completion of this module is performed by:

  1. Pressing Cancel - in which case no update is performed.
    • Update window is closed.
  2. Pressing Update - syntactical error checking is done.
    • Confirmation Window is popped up.


Error Handling:

  1. Syntax error on the title of the book.
  2. Borrower's ID# is invalid.

Whenever an error occurs the user will be prompted by a message specifying what input is wrong. It will then allow the user to either make corrections and recommit the book or cancel the entire process.



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