Library System Evaluation
A Comparision of Specifications to Implementation
Our project completely satisfied all of the specifications we
initially laid out. A complete break down of functionality promised and
functionality delivered follows
Book Administration
The specification stated the delivery of add book, update book,
remove book, search book and report on book. The implementation delivered
add book, update book, remove book, search for book and report on book with
each module satisfying all requirements for operation.
Borrower Administration
The specification stated the delivery of add borrower, update borrower,
remove borrower, and search on borrower. The implementation delivered add
borrower, update borrower, remove borrower, and search for borrower with
each module satisfying all requirements for operation.
Transaction Adminstration
The specification stated the delivery of lend book, renew book, recall
book, and report of fines. The implementation delivered lend book, renew book,
recall book, and report of fines with each module satisfying all requirements
for operation.
Deletions form Specifications
There were no deletions from the specifications.
Additions beyond Specifications
All of the searches implemented a form of type-ahead where the
list box, which contained the results of the search, was dynamically
updated as the user typed into any of the search fields. This also
allowed a search based on a partial string, a feature which also was
not specified. As well, various fields of text entry performed
auto-formatting as the user typed (eg. date entries). And finally,
some fields allowed for user to select one of the previously entered
values (eg. subject field).