For the level of sophistication of our project eliminating the Detailed design document would have enabled a more advanced and better finished project. Our group would also suggest dropping the minimum number of pages for each project, due to its simplicty, so long as it fullfilled the necessary requirements; as was suggested by the spokesman from Motorolla. Furthermore a lot of the material in the design document, being relatively technical, is of no use to the customer's conceptualization of the finished project. Screen mock-ups or rough working model proved to be more useful in determining where changes were necessary.
We also feel that meetings, for demo's, between the customer and supplier would be more beneifical with only those parties involved. It would allow greater time to examine or even test run proposed implementations and allow more specific criticism. Clearer instruction of what specifically was required for each design document, Quicker marking, and better critiques, more feedback, would also have speeded up the process.
Having gone through the whole exercies, the group found it a useful and informative way in developing software projects in large groups. The difficulties in making everyones idea fit together in to one final design was very challenging as well as managing the group dynamics.