March 12, 1996 Screen Snapshots

The Virtual Realty Database SystemTM

Version 1.0

User Manual

Created exclusively for PowerMax Realty by Twelve Monkeys Ltd.

Monday March 11, 1996

Here is a concise listing of all of the snapshots used in our Manual. They are representative of the major screens that will appear in the system itself.

Note: These GIFs are soft-linked to Twelve Monkeys Program Team Chief Mal Beer, and will automatically update themselves when changed in his directory.

  1. agentinf.gif ** agent info - shows info on listing agent of current listing

  2. chgpwd.gif ** comes up when password selected on change personal info

  3. empinfo.gif ** employee info form (add/modify/delete) - radio buttons have been removed. To add a new employee, just type the name in the Name field and a new record will be created.

  4. main1.gif ** main form

  5. main2.gif ** main form - Realtor menu down

  6. main3.gif ** main form - Administrator menu down

  7. main4.gif ** main form - Buyer mode

  8. reassign.gif ** reassign listings

  9. offers.gif ** view offers for current listing (to close, double-click on control bar in upper left hand corner)

    logon.gif start-up login

  10. personal.gif ** realtor personal info

  11. makeoff.gig ** make an offer

  12. Seller.gif - just prints out the seller information and the info can be edited

  13. Listdec.gif - this shows the listing comments

  14. Listing.gif - this is the window (Add/Modify Listing) regarding editing listing information