Formal Specification Summary
customer: Should that be "Project Summary" ?
To satisfy the stated needs of the Book Lenders of Canada, we
at Nexus Corporation have begun the development of X-Cess Books, a
software database package which will implement a complete library
information system. When completed it will keep track of all
necessary information for the day-to-day operation of a library. As
requested by the customer, this system will be for the sole use of
library staff. From the informal specification given to us by the
Book Lenders of Canada we have highlighted the following key
- Provide Information on library books
- Track Status of library books
- Monitor Due Date of library books
- Implement Fine System on overdue library books
- Provide Information on library members
- Provide Book Administration functions
- Provide Borrower Record Administration functions
1. Information on Library Books
The system tracks books in the library using the following information:
- Name of book
- Author of book
- Subject of book
- Call number of book
- Publisher of book
- Publishing date of book
- Location of book in the library
- Cost of book
- Description of book
customer: one more attribute- type of book
2. Status of Library Books
Availability of library books is based on the following information:
- Avaliable - Book is available in the library and can be lent out
- Out - Book is out and on loan
- Hold - Book is on hold, i.e. the book is out but a request has been made to recall the book
- Maintenance - Book is in the library but under repair
customer: This should be included in 1 (above section) as a
3. Due date of Library Books
The date on which the book is due for return is dependent on the
type of book lent out. There are three different types of books
available in the library.
- Circulation Books which can be borrowed for a 3 week duration.
- Reserved Books for overnight borrowing only.
- Reference Books that cannot be removed from the library.
customer: For the duration, we want to be able to change it manually by
type of book.
4. Fine System on Overdue Library Books
The fine per day charged on overdue library books is dependent
on the type of book lent out. They are:
- $10 for reserved books
- $1 for circulation books
The fine will be charged automatically with a maximum fine set at the cost
of the book.
customer: We should be able to adjust the fine manually for each book.
5. Information on Library Members
The system will also track of personal information about each borrower.
- Name
- Home Address
- Contact Phone Number
- Unique ID assigned to each borrower
customer: We need to have a history of overdue book(s) along
with the accumulation fine up to a period of one year (except
outstanding fine).
6. Book Administration Functions
The system provides administrative functions to add, remove, update, search, and generate a report on a book.
7. Borrower Record Administration Functions
The Borrower Records Administration Functions will allow the librarian to add, remove, search, and update information on a borrower's account. In addition the librarian will be able to generate reports of borrowers with overdue books or outstanding fines.
With the implementation of the Library Information System, library
operation can be improved with the following benefits:
- Reduce user's search time to locate a library book
customer: "user's" should become "librarian's".
- Automate and reduce paper work associated with library operation
- Provide up-to-date information on library books
Important features
The important features available in this system will be:
- Its ease and simplicity of use; requiring very little computer knowledge or training.
- A fully integrated and easily maintained software system.
The Library Information System will be implemented for IBM PC and
compatible computers. It will most likely be written in Microsoft
Visual Basic.
Performance Requirements
The system must meet the goals of user-friendliness, security
(excluding people who shouldn't be using the system), data integrity
making sure the database conforms to the real world), and speed. User
friendliness will be provided by designing the system to run with a
Graphical User Interface (GUI), which incorporates things like
pull-down menus, windows, and dialogue boxes. System security could
be provided through restricted user account privileges and access
control, although that was not mentioned in the customer
specification. Data integrity will be checked whenever appropriate,
as mentioned in the User Interactions section. Finally, Speed is a
crucial issue, given that the library may expand greatly over time.
The issue of speed is treated in the Possible Enhancements section of
the Management Plan portion of this report.
customer: On security, please find answer in question