User Interaction

There are three main types of functions:

Here is how the user interaction will likely take place. The user will select an option (e.g. Add a New Book) from a pull-down menu. A dialogue box will then appear on the screen asking for information (in this case the title, author, subject, publisher, etc.) The user will then click on the OK or Cancel button in the dialogue box to send the command or cancel it. Depending on the capabilities of Visual Basic, we may make it possible for the user to display multiple windows containing the information they want. For example, one window may contain a list of the library's overdue books, and another might contain those held for maintenance. The user might then be able to select books within these windows and perform commands on them (again selected from the pull-down menus). If Visual Basic is not up to the task, we will implement something less sophisticated than multiple windows.

customer: the package used to implement the system is not our concern, we are only interested in a functional system.
Book Administration Functions

Add a New Book

customer: Since each book has a unique call number, we do not need a copy number & volume number. In other words, EACH COPY of a book will have a different call number.
customer: The system should NOT generated the call number, the librarian will input it manually.
customer: What does this mean?
customer: One more error should be considered - call number already exists (Since call numbers become one of the input)
Remove a Book

Update a Book

customer: We don't need this, we want to be able to change book information even if the book is out.
Search for a Book

customer: If there is no exact match, the closest matched item(s) should be shown.
customer: These seem to be the same condition.
Report On Status of All Books

customer: For books on hold, we want to determine if the book is in the library or not. If the book is recalled and in the library, it is on "hold". If the book is recalled but has not been returned, it is on "recall".
customer: We want to choose between viewing the report on screen and printing the report on paper.

Borrower Administration Functions

Add a Borrower Record

Search for a Borrower Record

customer: A stripped down view means only the borrower's name, ID, and outstanding fines will be displayed.
Updating a Borrower

customer: The output should be just the updated borrower inforamtion and confirmation message.
customer: Change of borrower ID should also considered as error. In other words, borrower ID should not be changed after assigned to a borrower.
Removing a Borrower

customer: Stripped down information about the borrower going to be removed, should be displayed so that the librarian knows who they are wiping out.

Circulation Transaction Functions

Lend a Book

Returning a Book

Recall a Book

Renew a Book

customer: We do not need "bulk" renewal.
customer: Since the borrower is renewing the books they have borrowed, the transaction will NOT exceed the book limit. e.g. How can somebody borrow 5 books then renew them ALL and exceed his/her book limit?
Report on fines

customer: Borrower's ID should be one of the inputs.


If at any time data is added, edited or deleted the database will be changed permanently. Before this is done the user will be prompted to verify their actions. This will hopefully limit the number of mistakes made by performing an unwanted procedure. Our group has cited some tips and possible pitfalls in the way the system was outlined in the informal specification and those will be reported at the end of this document.

Glossary of Terms

Confirmation Message:


Data Integrity:

Error Message:

Syntax error:

Valid Format Type:

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