This diagram shows the main functions of the Hotel Reservation System. It
includes all of the functions that the system operates.
1.1) Enter New Booking
This diagram shows how the front desk staff enters a new booking.
Inputs: Name, Room Number, Arrival Date, Departure Date, Representing, Street Address, City, Province, Country, Zip Code, Bus. Phone, Home Phone, Number of Occupents, Names of additional occupents, Vehicle Model, License Plate, and Special Instructions.
Outputs: Report.
Error Conditions:
- Syntactically incorrect.
- Invalid Room.
The booking is entered into the system. Any special instructions are entered (if any onto the system. If the customer already exists in the database his account is updated with the new information. If he does not exists the database will create a new instance of that customer.
1.2) Delete Customer Booking
This diagram shows how a customer booking is removed from the system by the front desk staff.
Inputs: Customer Info, Arrival Date,and Employee Number.
Outputs Report.
Error Conditions:
- Syntactically incorrect.
- Booking Does not exist.
- Do not have authority.( Managers only)
Effects: The booking is deleted from the system by the manager.
1.3) Modify Customer Booking
This diagram shows how to modify a customers booking information by the front desk staff.
Inputs: Customer Info, Arrival Date, and Employee Number.
Outputs Report.
Error Conditions:
- Syntactically incorrect.
- Booking does not exist.
- Do not have authority.( Managers only)
Effects: The input fields supplied by the manager will replace the existing data fields and update the customers account.
1.4) List bookings for a given date.
This diagram shows how the front desk staff gets a listing of bookings for a particular date.
Input: Date
Outputs: Report, and Customer Info.
Error Conditions:
- Syntactically incorrect.
- Invalid date.
Effects: A list is generate of all the bookings made for a given date.
1.5)Search for Vacant room.
This diagram shows how the front desk staff searches for a vacant room.
Inputs: Catagory,Handicapped,Smoking, and Special.
Outputs: Reports, Room number.
Error Conditions:
- Syntactically incorrect.
Effects - If there is a rooms available a list generated to the user. If not the user is not$
2.1) Add Menu Item
This diagram shows how the management adds a new item to the room service menu.
Input: Food item, Description, Employee Number, and price.
Output: Report.
Error Conditions:
- Syntactically incorrect.
- Employee number not valid.
- Do not have authority ( Managers only ).
Effects: A new item is added to the menu.
2.2) Modify Menu Item.
This diagram shows how the management modify's an item from the food service menu.
Input: Food item, Description, Employee Number, and price.
Output: Report.
Error Conditions:
- Syntactically incorrect.
- Employee number not valid.
- Menu item does not exist.
- Does not have authority( Managers only).
Effects: Managers can modify existing menu information.
2.3) Delete Menu Item.
This diagram shows how the management staff deletes a food item from the room service menu.
Input: Food item, Description, Employee Number, and Price.
Output: Report.
Error Conditions:
- Syntactically incorrect.
- Employee number not valid.
- Menu item does not exist.
- Does not have authority( Managers only);
Effects: Managers can delete the instance of the menu item.
2.4) Ordering Food
This diagram shows how a food item is ordered by the front desk staff.
Inputs: Room Number, Time stamp, Delivery Time, List of Food Entries ( Menu items ) special cooking instructions.
Outputs: Report.
Error Conditions:
- Syntactically incorrect.
- Room does not exist.
- Menu item does not exist
Effects: - A food order is with all the items on the menu
3.1) Enter phone messages for Customer
This diagram shows how the front desk staff enters a phone message.
Input: Name, Room number, message, message sender, and message body.
Output: Report.
Error Conditions:
- Syntactically Incorrect.
- Room does not exist.
Effects: A new instance of a phone message is created under the customer name.
3.2) Display Phone messages.
This diagram shows how the front desk staff displays a phone message.
Input: Name, and Room number.
Output: Message Record.
Error Conditions:
- Syntactically incorrect.
- Message Name does not exist and room number does not exist
Effects: All the Information pertaining that message is displayed to the staff.
3.3) Create Phone Record.
This diagram shows how the front desk staff creates a phone record.
Input: Room Number
Output: Report.
Error Condition:
- Syntactically incorrect.
- Room does not exist.
Effects: A new instance of a phone record is created.
3.4) Add to Phone Record
3.5) Modify phone record.
This diagram shows how the management staff modifys a phone record.
Input: Room Number, Phone Call info , and Employee number.
Output: Report.
Error Conditions:
- Syntactically incorrect.
- Phone records do not exist.
- Do not have authority.( Managers only)
Effects: The manager's input will modify existing information in the phone call data store.
3.6) Delete phone record
This diagram shows how the management staff deletes a phone record.
Input: Room Number, Phone Call info,and Employee number
Output: Report.
Error Conditions:
- Syntactically incorrect.
- Phone records do not exist.
- Do not have authority.( Managers only)
Effects: Manager's can delete the instance of the phone record.
4.1) Create New employee.
This diagram shows how the management staff creates a new employee.
Input: Name, Employee Number, Access Level,and Employee Number.
Output: Report.
Error Conditions:
- Syntactically incorrect.
- Employee number in use.
- Do not have authority ( Managers only ).
Effects: Managers can create a new instance of employee with a given access range.
4.2) Create New Room.
This diagram shows how the management staff creates a new room.
Input: Room Number, Category, Handicapped, Smoking, Price Per Night, special description, and employee number.
Output: Report.
Error Conditions:
- Syntactically incorrect.
- Room is already in use.
- Does not have authority( Managers only).
Effects: The manager creates a new instance of a room.
4.3) Modify Room.
This diagram shows how the management staff can modify a room.
Input: Room Number, Room Info, Employee number.
Output: Report.
Error Conditions:
- Syntactically incorrect.
- Room number is invalid.
- Does not have Authority ( Managers Only )
Effects: The manager's input will modify the pre-existing fields in the data base.
4.4) List Nonoccupied rooms.
This digram shows how the front desk staff can check for non-occupied rooms.
Input: Date
Output: Report.
Error Conditions:
Syntactically Incorrect .
Date is invalid.
Effects: A list is generated of all the non occupied rooms for a given date. ( to be used by cleaning staff ).
5.1) Create Bill
This diagram shows how the front desk staff can create a bill.
Inputs: Name, Room Service, Phone Service, Arrival Date, Departure Date, Room Rate, Room Number, Amount Paid, Balance, and method of payment, Credit Card Number, and employee Number.
Outputs: Report, Bill generated.
Error Conditions:
- Syntactically incorrect.
- Name Invalid
- Room Number invalid.
- Employee Number invalid.
Effects - A bill is generate with totals and descriptions of what has been charged to the
5.2) Modify Bill
This diagram shows how the management staff can modify a bill.
Inputs: Customer Name, Room Number, Employee number.
Outputs: Report.
Error Conditions:
- Syntactically incorrect.
- Name Invalid
- Room Number invalid.
- Employee Number invalid.
- Does not have Authority( Managers only )
Effects - The bill information is updated by the manager.