1) A missing column in the Stocker Window should show the amount initially placed on order by the grocery store to make the StockerUs duties more efficient.
2) Take care of values in the product list under current number on stock
3) Unexpected system crash when trying to place a special order
4) Unable to add new items to the product database under certain circumstances (during the presentation the product RFancyS was not added to the system database)
5) Warehouse system must be demonstrated as soon as possible to provide opportunity for customer input
6) Duplicate names in the Personel window prevent Managers from editing the employeeUs details
Should members of the Collective Supermarket Owners find additional OPPORTUNITIES, or wish other concerns to be addressed, please contact 10th Level Solutions as soon as possible.
1) Log in as different people- show failed login, security measures - change password, show working after login again - show different priorities of logging in (between different security levels) - logout 2) Log in as Head Manager a) goto personnel - change department, show different employees - create new dept in the store - add new employee to new department (cashier) - show error on security level if not selected while create/modify - change security level, show its updated - use pcamb in health foods, log out, log back in again. - delete an employee - use cashier created to log back in with and show cashier functions. b) goto inventory - bring up order - show different depts - add item to order - delete item from order - add new item - modify item information - delete an item 3) Login as Bill, Department Manager [bswaney] - goto personnel, show dept restrictions a) go into cashier - make grocery bill - explain choosing by name & code - explain 'Hot Key' [F6] - show how refund works - shoe how delete works - show before/after refund and delete - show finished button - show freeze terminal - delete from order - select finish 4) Login as stocker [jsmith] - select an order - confirm an order - change amount that arrived 5) Login to Inventory window (as Head Manager) - bring up an order previously made - show different departments of store - add items to an order - illustrate different amounts of additons