Note: Any changes to products can only be done within the department of
the department manager.
The CSO Inventory System contains the following major features:
In-store supply database
The supply database will require the following fields:
Product description TEXT
Bar code NUMERIC
In-store Item code NUMERIC
dept TEXT
dept # NUMERIC
item location
aisle number NUMERIC
Store price NUMERIC
Stock minimum ( Point of order ) NUMERIC
Stock maximum NUMERIC
Order quantity NUMERIC
Current Amount NUMERIC
On order flag BOOLEAN
Employee database
The data in the employee database will have the following fields:
employee # NUMERIC
Authorization level NUMERIC
First name, Last name TEXT
password TEXT
dept TEXT
dept # NUMERIC
position TEXT
A future implementation might allow for an address and other relevant payroll information.
Audit File
Each record of the audit file will contain:
Time and date TEXT
employee # NUMERIC
authorization level NUMERIC
dept # NUMERIC
position TEXT
Order File
Each order will contain the following fields:
Order Number NUMERIC
Time and date TEXT
Manager Name TEXT
List of Items
The List of Items will contain the following:
In-Store Item Code NUMERIC
Product Description TEXT
Quantity Ordered NUMERIC
The groups are listed below.
head manager:
assistant manager:
internal processes:
The process of editing any employee record includes the following
sub-processes or functions:
Adding a new employee to the database. Here the head manager
creates a new record for a recently hired person. Name, employee
number, department and department number, position, authorization
level and a preliminary password are immediately entered and stored
in the database. The new employee should change the password at first
Deleting an employee. The complete record is removed from the
Changing the authorization level. The head manager can increase or
decrease the authorization level of any employee.
Changing department and/or position. The head manager can move an
employee to a different department and/or give the employee a
different position by changing the employee record.
The process of editing any product record includes the following
sub-processes or functions:
Adding a new product to the database. A new record is created and
the head manager enters all vital information about the product.
Deleting a product from the database.
Change the product record. The head manager may change the complete
record or any parts. For example: he/she can increase stock
minimum, change price, change location, etc.
Change a new order record. The head manager may change or void a new order record.
The department manager may perform any of the
following functions in regard to the employee database:
Change authorization level of an employee within the department.
Change position of an employee within the department.
The assistant manager may perform any of the following functions in regard
to the product database:
Add a new product that belongs in his/her department.
Delete a product from his/her department.
Place an order of products for departmental needs. The assistant
manager enters the required number of a specific product in the
order quantity field and sets the on-order flag for as many products
as are needed. This generates an order that can be viewed by the
head manager within a preset time frame. If not viewed by the
head manager within the given time the order is send to the
warehouse. Should the manager decide to look at the order he can
alter it, void it, or approve it. The name of the manager will be
printed on the order along with an order number, supermarket ID,
address, department, date, and the list of items ordered.
Note: This does not change the Stock Minimum.
Change the price of a product. The manager enters a new price in the
store price field.
Change the product description.
Change the item location.
Change stock minimum and stock maximum.
Enter any data in relation to a received order.
The stocker may perform any of the following functions:
Increase the current stock after new stock is being unloaded.
The cashier may perform any of the following functions:
Decrease Stock through selling of products. The cashiers
can only do this with either a bar code machine or manually in the
designated screen.
Increase Stock in case of product return or refund.
The internal processes include the following functions:
Produce an Order. This will be a batch process that is run once a
day at a set time. The complete product database is accessed by
the process and each item is scanned to check whether it should be
ordered or not. If an item must be ordered, then the stock maximum
minus the stock minimum will be entered into the quantity ordered
field, and the on-order flag will be set. The order is printed out
and send to the warehouse. The order will only contain those items
that have been ordered in the batch process.
Update the archive database with any changes to the employee database and product database. A record of before and after the change,
as well as the date and who changed the record is placed in the
archive. Furthermore, any login to the system whether successful or
unsuccessful will be noted in the archive.
Various Database functions will be performed during the maintenance. These functions include searching the database, sorting
the database, filtering (eg. the manager of the meat department
can only have access to his/her products), subsetting, etc.
The authorization process is one function that asks for login id and
password. If either or both login id and password are incorrect a message
is printed to the terminal and access is denied. Otherwise, the employee
is granted access within the limits of his/her authorization level.
The warehouse holds the database that stores all orders received and processed.
With this database the warehouse can perform the following functions:
Print the laiding form that corresponds with an order. The laiding
form will display the name of the manager who ordered (in a
batch order the name will be that of the head manager), the
date, a laiding number, and a list of the items that are shipped
out (which should correspond with the order).
Print the invoice corresponding to a received shipment. If several
orders were combined, then the invoice will contain several lists
of items, one for each order. The invoice will total the purchase,
and give a total price at the end. The invoice is then sent to the