
Cashier Window

Question: The way we understood the part from the Overall Design Document, it appeared that the cashier has to click on the "sale" button [each and everytime] the correct item has been picked up by the bar code reading device". To us this seems like a lot of work, expecially when a cashier has to deal with hundreds, maybe even thousands of items passing though every day! We think the system should just scan it into the list, and then the cashier can remove it if there is a problem.

Answer: The cashier does not has to click on the sale button on each items. After all items of a customers has scan into the list, then the cashier click on the "sale" button. The items are not confirmed until the "sale" buttom are pressed. So when the customer change his/her mind during the scanning, the cashier can cancel the item right away and the cashier doesn't have to go through the refund process.

Personnel Window

Question: What is the purpose of the "New" button? It appears that when entering a new user, you enter their info in the text boxes and click "Add".

Answer: Actually, one of the button is redundant. The new Personnel window will only have one of these.

Invertory Window

Question: In the inventory window, is the authorize button only for the head managaer? If so, should it be there for the other managers to press? Also will the head manager have to review all departments orders and click the authorize button before they are sent? What happens if an order is not authorize at the time the order is sent to the warehouse?

Answer: The authorize button is only for the head manager. Although, the department manager's window will have this button, the button will be greyed out so the department manager can't use it. The head manager has to review all departments order and authorize it before it is sent. The warehouse might phone and ask the head manager to confirm the order if the order is not authorize by the head manager.

Freeze Terminal

Question: What happens if an employee freezes a window, then goes home. How do you unfreeze the terminal?

Answer: If an employee freezes a window for more than a default time(10 to 30 minutes), the window will automatically unfreeze and go back to the login window.

Question: Dose this option freeze all screens currently on the screen, or just the one that the "Freeze Terminal" button is pressed on? Is it possible that a manager could freeze the Inventory Window, but have the Personnel Window open (and "un-frozen") available to be tampered with?

Answer: When the button "Freeze Terminal" is pressed on, that terminal will be freeze but not that particular window is freeze. So the manager cannot freeze the Invertory Window and work on the Personnel Window, since the manager's terminal is freezed.

Question: We think that there should be a way to get back in the system functions without going back to the login menu and then navigating back to where the user left off. Perhaps an unfreeze button will appear on the screnn and after the user presses this, have a prompt for a password.

Answer: That's a good idea. We will make changes according to your suggestion.

Warehouse System

Question: It seems that the warehouse system has been rolled in with the one used for the supermarket outlets. This is not what was requested. Each of the supermarkets are to have their own computers( or networks) running a copy of the supermarket software. The warehouse will have a different system running on a computer at the warehouse location-- the warehouse is owned and operated by a business entity separate from the individual supermarkets. The only communication the individual supermarket systems transmit orders. It is not necesssary to implement a communications sub-system to accomplish this. It is only necessary that the supermarket system produce an electronic document in a format suitable to be tramsmitted electronically to the warehouse where it can be imported by the warehouse system.

Answer: We notice that the warehouse and the supermarket have different software. The CSO will produce a electronic document whose format will fit the warehouse system.


Question: When a user is selecting items from a huge listbox, can you just type in what you are searching for and have the system locate the item in the list, rather than hunt with the scrollbar?

Answer: The user can type in the item in the entry and the system will serach for the item instead of hunting it with the scrollbar.

Question : In the Data Dictionary, case size appears to be missing.

Answer: We have already added it on.

Question : The case system should not only allow multiples of 12,24,or 36. All case amounts should be allowed (and really, this should not be a real change in programming.

Answer: We have added a field called case size to order form to specify what is the case size. So the case size can be any integer number.

Question: Would it be possible if, on specifically the stocker and ordering forms, a text box is present that displays something like "15 cases x 24" for items shipped in cases, which would allowthe user to know exactly how many cases were ordered and how many items are in each case?

Answer: As the method specifed above, the stocker and the warehouse people should be clear on how many cases of how many items are ordered.

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