PROBLEM / CHANGE MANAGEMENT FORM FOR: CSO INVENTORY SYSTEM PROJECT Requested by:_________________________________ Date:______________________ Problem Fix ___ Enhancement ___ Priority: H ___ M ___ L ___ Date Required:______________ Release required for: _______________________ Description of change: ____________________________________________________ Describe the change and the benefits of the change: _______________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ What is the expected effect on the existing system: _______________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ What is the expected cost (man-days): _______________ Request dropped ___ Deferred until: ___________________________ Request carried ___ Approved by: ______________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ Date completed: ____________________ Programmer: _________________________ Tested by:_______________________ Test scripts/files: ____________________ Actual Man-days: _______________ Where documented: _______________________ Date implemented: ________________________ Version: ______________________ * Attach screens, reports, disk, etc. as required.
1. March 8th, Testing of Interfaces for Personnel and Login Windows. Testing of the Personnel Window will be conducted with the user having a security level consistent with that of a Head Manager. A. Create instances of new employees, with all correct information for each of the three employee types. B. Create instances of new employees, with missing information for each of the three employee types. Proceed with correct error handling routines, ie. fill in missing fields when requested. C. Create instances of new employees, with all the information, but include fields that are in error. Use these instances to test editing capabilities. D. Using existing employee records, make modifications to security levels of these employees. E. Change the password of existing employees. F. Delete instances of employees from the database. Testing of the Login Window will be done as follows. After each step above, the following three tests will be run for each employee record affected in the changes: G. Login the affected employee using their correct password. H. Logout the affected employee, assuming that the circumstances are such that they existed to begin with. I. Login the affected employee using an incorrect password. 2. March 15th, Testing of Interfaces for the Inventory Window. Testing of the Stock Window will be performed in various security levels. Note that all of the following functions should be performed in each security level, regardless of the applicability of the task to the end user: A. Add instances to the Inventory list using correct fields. This will be done on multiple departments. B. Add instances to the Inventory list using incorrect fields. Again this will be done on multiple departments. C. Edit the instances of inventory items that are incorrect using the appropriate edit box. D. Order items found in the inventory list. Order items that were created in previous steps. Order items not found in the database. E. Remove items added to the order list. F. Authorize the order that was made. G. Delete items from the database, including items added in the previous steps. H. Exit the screen. 3. March 22nd, Testing of Interfaces for the Stockers and Sales. Testing of the Stockers window will be performed first using a security level equivalent to that of a stocker. As well, these procedures will also be performed with a security level equal to that of a Head Manager: A. Select an order number. This is assumed to have been created ahead of time. This is done both manually and from the list box. B. Scroll through the ordered items list, checking accuracy with the order form. C. Freeze the terminal. D. Unfreeze the terminal. E. Confirm the Order. F. Exit the screen. Testing of the Sales window will be done three times, each time with a different security level. These are: Sales only, Sales and returns, and Head Managers level. G. Add items to the sales window using correct data. This will be done using item name, item code, by using the bar-code reader. H. Add items to the sales window using incorrect data. Again, this will be done with all three input methods. I. Delete items that have been added to the bill. J. Print out a copy of the bill. K. Freeze the terminal. Unfreeze the terminal. L. Refund an item using a previous bill number. Input refunded items using all three input methods. M. Exit the screen.
1) Testing of all personnel functions as given by the Personnel window: a) For the Head Manager Authorization Level: 1 Add a Department: Press "Add" Button and enter "Pharmacy" in Department window on upper left corner. "Pharmacy" should appear in Department window in upper right corner 2 Delete Department: Highlight "Produce" in Department window and press "Delete" Button. "Produce" should disappear from Department window after confirmation of deletion is given 3 Add new Employee: Press "Add" Button and enter in Last Name Box: "Swaney", enter in First Name Box: "Bill", enter in ID Number box: "469047909", enter in Password Box: "123456", enter in Login Box: "swaney" New employee information should appear in Personnel window. Error: incorrect ID Number length, Password length, Login length 4 Delete Employee: Find Employee in Personnel window and highlight. Press "Delete" Button. After confirmation all record for employee should disappear from Personnel window. 5 Change Security: Click on Cashier/Stocker in Major window, click on Sales in Minor window. >>Can't be further tested until functions for editing Stock have been included<< 6 View an Employee: Scroll through Personnel window until desired Employee found, highlight employee. All pertinent information about employee will be displayed in fields on left side. Personnel from all departments should be visible b) For the Department Manager Authorization Level: 1 Add a Department: "Add" Button will be grayed out, thus not allowing the Department Manager to perform this function 2 Delete Department: "Delete" Button will be grayed out, thus not allowing the Department Manager to perform this function 3 Add new Employee: Press "Add" Button and enter in Last Name Box: "Swaney", enter in First Name Box: "Bill", enter in ID Number box: "469047909", enter in Password Box: "123456", enter in Login Box: "swaney" New employee information should appear in Personnel window. Error: incorrect ID Number length, Password length, Login length 4 Delete Employee: Find Employee in Personnel window and highlight. Press "Delete" Button. After confirmation all record for employee should disappear from Personnel window. 5 Change Security: The Security window will be grayed out, not allowing the Department Manager to make any changes 6 View an Employee: Scroll through Personnel window until desired Employee found, highlight employee. All pertinent information about employee will be displayed in fields on left side. Personnel from other departments cannot be viewed. Nobody can log onto the system unless the system can check the login data against the information in the Employee database. Therefore there is no choice but to integrate the personnel functions into the system first. 2) Testing of the Login window: 1 Click on "Login" Button in Main Menu. The Login window should appear in the center of the screen. Enter "swaney" in the "Login" field, and "123456" in the "Password" field. The "Password" field should only display x's, while the "Login" field will display the actual Login name. Press "OK" Button. The system should now blacken out the grey buttons to which "swaney" has access to. 2 Click on "Login" Button in Main Menu. The Login window should appear in the center of the screen. Enter "swaney" in the "Login" field, and "122345" in the "Password" field. The "Password" field should only display x's, while the "Login" field will display the actual Login name. Press "OK" Button. The system should display an error message for incorrect Login attempt, and allow another login try. Now that a Database for Employees exists, one major security function, that of login onto the system should be tested, because we need to make sure that the system is secure enough before manipulation of product information is integrated. 3) Testing of all functions involved with the Product window: a) For the Head Manager Authorization Level: 1 Add Product: Select Department with the Scroll Option in upper left corner. Fill all fields in lower left hand corner with appropriate data fields and press "Add Inventory" Button. New Item should appear in Inventory List window. Errors should be tested by entering incorrect information in data fields. Error Message should appear. 2 Delete Product: Select Department with the Scroll Option in upper left corner. Select Product in Inventory List window and highlight. Press "Delete Inventory Item" Button. After confirmation all product data fields in Inventory List window should disappear. At this point in time the Warehouse database and functions need to be integrated as orders can only be created once the Order database exists. Then testing for product functions can continue. 3 Edit an Order: Select an order number from the Order Number window in the upper right hand corner. Order should appear in window below. Highlight an item in Items on Order window and press "Remove from Order" Button. Item should be removed from order. 4 Authorize an Order: Select an order number from Order Number window in the upper right hand corner. View order in window below and press "Authorize Order" Button. Press "Done" Button to save and close window. b) For the Department Manager Authorization Level: 1 Add Product: Select Department with the Scroll Option in upper left corner. Fill all fields in lower left hand corner with appropriate data fields and press "Add Inventory" Button. New Item should appear in Inventory List window. Errors should be tested by entering incorrect information in data fields. Error Message should appear. 2 Delete Product: Select Department with the Scroll Option in upper left corner. Select Product in Inventory List window and highlight. Press "Delete Inventory Item" Button. After confirmation all product data fields in Inventory List window should disappear. 3 Add Item to Order: Select Product from Inventory List by highlighting item. Only products from Manager's Department should be visible. Press "Add" Button in center of window. Item should appear in order window. 4 Remove Item from Order: Select Item from Items on Order window after order was selected via the Order Number window. Highlight item in order and press "Remove from Order" Button. After confirmation the item should disappear from order. Nothing can be done without the inventory database and the accompanying functions, ie. a sales person cannot sell an item, a stocker cannot update an item. Therefore, this module must be integrated as soon as security has been established. 3) Testing of all functions involved with the Warehouse: As mentioned before, this module is actually integrated while the Inventory module is integrated as both modules are dependent on each other. 1 Print Lading Form: When this button is pressed a Lading Form should appear on the screen. This form should contain all items from all orders that need still processing and will be delivered on that day. 2 Print Invoice: When this button is pressed all delivered orders should be searched for in the order database, and a invoice containing all delivered items plus the total to be paid should appear in the window. 4) Testing of all functions involved with the Sales window: 1 Enter an Item Code in Item Code field on left hand side. If correct item code then all remaining information about item should be now visible in remaining fields, except Quantity. Enter Quantity for selected item. Press on "Sale" Button. Item should now appear in sale window on right hand side. The "Total" and "Total+Tax" should also be updated. If incorrect Item Code then error message should appear. 2 Enter an Bar Code in Bar Code field on left hand side. If correct item code then all remaining information about item should be now visible in remaining fields, except Quantity. Enter Quantity for selected item. Press on "Sale" Button. Item should now appear in sale window on right hand side. The "Total" and "Total+Tax" should also be updated. If incorrect Bar Code then error message should appear. 3 Enter an Item Code in Item Code field on left hand side. If correct item code then all remaining information about item should be now visible in remaining fields, except Quantity. Enter Quantity for selected item. Press on "Refund" Button. Item should now disappear from sale window on right hand side. The "Total" and "Total+Tax" should also be updated. If incorrect Item Code then error message should appear. 4 Enter an Bar Code in Bar Code field on left hand side. If correct item code then all remaining information about item should be now visible in remaining fields, except Quantity. Enter Quantity for selected item. Press on "Refund" Button. Item should now disappear from sale window on right hand side. The "Total" and "Total+Tax" should also be updated. If incorrect Item Code then error message should appear. 5 Press "Print" Button. Receipt for customer should be printed. 6 Press "Done" Button. Window should disappear and Main Menu should appear. The sales module has to be one of the last integrations, along with the stockers module, as it depends on the employee module for access of the system by cashiers via checking the employee database for authorization. Furthermore, sales and stockers modules need items in the product database so that sales and stockers functions can be performed. 5) Testing of all functions involved with Stockers window: 1 Select an Order. Scroll down the Order Number window until desired order has been found, or enter order number in Order Number field manually. Order should appear in Ordered Items window. 2 Enter amount ordered into Amount Ordered field. 3 Enter amount received into Amount Received field. 4 Press "Confirmed Order" The appropriate field in the Order should be changed. 5 Press "Done" Button. Window should close and Main Menu should appear.
1) Add a new customer and assign authorization level to employee according to employee position. Check whether employee is limited to his/her security clearance, or if employee can enter into sections of system he/she is not allowed in. Check this for different types of employees. 2) Produce an order and send to Warehouse. Check to see if Warehouse can adequately produce a lading form and an invoice for this order. 3) Edit product database according to lading form produced by Warehouse. Check if product database is properly updated. 4) Sell several items to one customer. Check if items are properly added to the sale list. Check if receipt is properly printed and total price is correct. 5) Change security level of an existing employee and re-check that this employee can only enter newly selected areas of security. 6) Check that a Department Manager can only change employee information and product information within his/her department. 7) Check that Head Manager can access all levels of the system, except the audit database.
eg) BAR CODE: 023450041 QUANTITY: 2 ITEM CODE: 123 QUANTITY: 12A parsing function to parse the data file and run the data into the POS function of selling items(bypassing the interface buttons).