Systems Analysis

The CSO Inventory System, although stand-alone in fashion, does depend on certain hardware requirements which need to be met. Our systems analysis team has performed extensive research into exactly what hardware would be best suited for the various tasks which will be performed from day to day in the supermarket environment.

Upon the last few weeks, we have discovered many things about the needs of your company. One of these things happens to be the fact that many of the employees of your company do not spend the majority of their time in one certain place, and need some sort of system which will allow them to be both mobile, yet maintain contact with the inventory system at their specific levels of clearance, at all times. For instance, stockers, for one, are always in motion, moving from the back of the store, to the front to get stock, and eventually replenishing the shelves.

What the stock people, in particular, need are portable scanners, which would enable them to scan the merchandise, put it on the shelves, update orders, and download the information into the system for processing. This system is still in the development stages, and that particular piece of hardware is currently outside the system boundaries, however, plans are in effect to soon integrate this new hardware into the current system, and this should not pose a problem to future implementations. With portable scanning technology, stock people will be able to make corrections, additions, and deletions as necessary from the stock at any time, and from any place. All functions will of course be tied into the central database of inventory, and modifications will take effect immediately.

The cashier system, as it stands now, can be implemented in any number of ways, and ultimately, the choice is yours. What we recommend, however, is the utilization of a system now currently in effect at many supermarkets, with some minor modifications now in the works. The system is such that it allows the cashier to work, hands free of the terminal, without the hindrances of a mouse or other device. A screen is present, which shows all of the transactions, purchases, items, prices, etc. (refer to screenshot). Both hands of the cashier can be used to move groceries, and the customer has full view of the same screen which the cashier uses. Of course, the POS scanning system is tied into the main database of inventory, and all sales are updated automatically. If the cashier wishes, he or she can take control of the system window in order to do any functions necessary.

At the back of the store, where the stock comes in, there will be access terminals set up for all employees to use. More than likely, the stock people and the managers will be using them the most, as many of the daily transactions of inventory orders and adjustments occur here. The terminals will of course, be set up so that at any given point in time, when an employee is not using the terminal, it sits quietly in a modeless state. Any employee who wishes to use one, must log on, and the screen takes the effective mode of the employee position and security level clearance. For instance, a stocker, who wishes to update stock, would simply log on, his specific window would come up, and all interactions could then proceed. Terminals, of course, will be flat- screen technology, and the computers themselves, out of the way, so that only the keyboard and flat screen are present against one of the walls.

Managers, of course, will each have a terminal of their own, located more than likely in each department or office. Managers will have access to barcode scanners and laser printers with which to print off invoices, inventory lists, and other such records.

All hardware systems used are distinct from the implementation of the software, and can be interchanged as needed, without loss to system function.

In addition, to the above mentioned systems, we have in mind several additional tools which may be of assistance in augmenting the CSO Inventory system. As new needs arise, our system will allow the integration of new types of hardware which will all be compatible with current software. Our design allows the seamless integration with many of the newest technologies coming available in the near future, and 10th Level Solutions will be able to keep your supermarket at peak performance and running smoothly.

Go to the Hardware Description.