Please refer to the commentary on system security
Product description TEXT Bar code NUMERIC In-store Item code NUMERIC dept TEXT dept # NUMERIC item location aisle number NUMERIC section SINGLE CHARACTER Store price NUMERIC Stock minimum ( Point of order ) NUMERIC Stock maximum NUMERIC Order quantity NUMERIC Current Amount NUMERIC On order flag BOOLEAN
Case size is also a factor that is crutial in ordering from the warehouse. This is simply a minor detail in the ordering algorithm. It comes down to the fact that if we want 3 bags of chips, for example, we can't get just 3, we have to order the whole case, which would be of 12 units. Cases can be 12, 24 or 36 units. Please refer to "assumptions" in the original specification.
employee # NUMERIC Authorization level NUMERIC First name, Last name TEXT password TEXT dept TEXT dept # NUMERIC position TEXTA future implementation might allow for an address and other relevant payroll information.
It is essential that NO ONE have access to edit this file. This is crutial, as not event the store manager can be trusted 100% of the time.
We just wanted to reiterate how important it is that EVERY action done by the computer be recorded in the audit file, no matter how small. We require complete records all transactions for security considerations.
Time and date TEXT employee # NUMERIC authorization level NUMERIC dept # NUMERIC position TEXT
We assume that this record will also contain a short description of the transaction that was completed.
Again, the audit file should not be editable by anyone. All transactions should be appended to the end of the audit file. All transactions should be recorded with no exceptions.
Order Number NUMERIC Time and date TEXT Manager Name TEXT List of Items
Just that pesky case issue again. Please see first page of Management Plan for more details.
In-Store Item Code NUMERIC Product Description TEXT Quantity Ordered NUMERIC
Please refer to other comments regarding security and functions contained in the functional specification of this system.
By assistant manager, we assume you mean department manager.
Note: Any changes to products can only be done within the department of
the department manager.
The authorization process is one function that asks for login id and password. If either or both login id and password are incorrect a message is printed to the terminal and access is denied. Otherwise, the employee is granted access within the limits of his/her authorization level.