CPSC 451 Customer Group 6

Flin Flon Airlines

Overall Design Document Comments:

We at Flin Flon Airlines were pleased to read the overall design document for the ATICS project. While many of our concerns have been addressed we feel it is necessary to clarify a few points with you before we go ahead with the system.

Booking Agent

  1. Modify Booking
  2. Query Flight/Passenger Information
  3. Issue Boarding Passes
  4. Issue Refunds
  5. Cancel a Booking

System Administration

  1. Flights
  2. Booking Agents
  3. Aircraft

As always we prefer to keep the lines of communication open, so if you have any questions or would like to further discuss any of these issues please feel free to contact us. We look forward to continuing our relationship with Jury Systems Design Inc.

Last Updated:  February 14, 1996