Newspaper Delivery System - Informal Specification
This document is an informal specification of a newspaper delivery system which keeps
track of our customers (hereafter referred to as households),
of newspapers and magazines we carry (referred to as
publications), and any subscriptions the households may have. As well, it should
keep track of route information for our delivery staff (referred to as
carriers), billing information for our
finance and sales department, and be able to produce summary information
for the top executives.
We list the types of information that must be stored, followed by the
functional requirements for that area of the system.
- Name (surname, first name)
- Address (street, house number, apartment number and postal code)
- Phone number
- Status - Whether the household is suspended or not.
- Details of what newspapers or magazines the household is currently
subscribed to.
- Present credit on the household account. A negative balance will
imply a prepayment on the account, while a positive balance implies
an amount owed.
- A notes section to help the delivery people be aware of any special
instructions indicated by the household. For example, leaving the
newspaper in front of the door instead of leaving it in the mail
- A route name to identify which route the household is related to.
This should be automatically related to the household based on their
postal code and the predefined routes already entered into the system.
- Add - The system must be able to include a customer to our data base.
- Delete - The system must be able to remove a customer from our data
- Modify - The system must be able to change any of the above
information on demand.
- Suspend - The system must be able to hold a customer account for a
specific time period or indefinitely. This option is used
when household goes on vacation or other reasons.
- Query by user-defined fields
For example: it must be possible to enter a household
and determine the carrier responsible for deliveries to that
household, as well as the subscriptions to be delivered on the
current day.
- Name, Publisher, Supplier Name, Supplier Phone Number
- Price Scheme - Price per issue/Weekly/Monthy deals
(eg. 2 year subscription for 50% off, etc.)
- Type - magazine or newspaper
- Frequency of Delivery
- General Description - A brief summary of the publication, originally entered by the
- Total Number of people that are subscribed to the publication,
calculated automatically.
- Add (New Publication)
- Delete (No longer carry a publication) -
All accounts must be updated to the change, and all households subscribed must
be notified. Any advance credit the household had can be used towards another
- Modify (Change price, etc...) -
All new subscriptions must reflect the new
price change, while the old subscriptions maintain the old scheme.
- Query by user-defined fields
Carriers make deliveries to households.
- Name (Surname, first name)
- Address (Street, House Number, Apartment number and Postal Code)
- Phone number
- Routes they deliver to.
- It must be possible to create and delete carriers, and modify their
identifying information (for example if they change phone numbers).
- When a carrier is created, they should be assigned at least one route.
- A carrier can be deleted only when they have no routes assigned.
Each carrier delivers to a route, which is a set of households receiving subscriptions.
- Name
- A list of postal codes that are in the route
- How many households are in the route
- Which carrier is assigned to this route
- If the route is entered, all households on the route
must be displayed on the video screen.
- It must also be possible to enter a route and view the total
number of deliveries for each product on the current day.
- When a delivery is made to a carrier, a printout
of the days deliveries will be attached.
The system should provide this printout when a single route
is selected, or for the entire set of routes. The printout
must include:
- On the top page:
- The carrier name, address and phone number, as well as the number of each
publication the carrier will need to deliver. At the start of the day's
deliveries, the carrier must determine that the bundle received contains
sufficient products for the route.
- Also to listed on this page is the depot phone number, to be
contacted by the carrier if errors have occured.
- On successive pages:
- On one line, the household street address and the subscriber name.
- If the household is NEW to the route, or suspended, this should
be appropriately marked just under the address, in bold.
As well, if the household has recently canceled its subscriptions,
a note should appear stating this fact, so that the carrier will
know NOT to deliver any publications.
- On following lines, indented, each product to be delivered
on the current day, and the number of copies if greater than one.
- The deliveries to one household will be followed by a blank line,
and cannot cross a page fold in the printout.
2107 Slowpoke Street Fred Manure
Calgary Herald Special Instructions:
Maclean's - put papers in front of door (not mailbox)
2 Penthouse
Reader's Digest
2119 Slowpoke Street Alison Smith
NEW!! Calgary Sun Special Instructions:
Cosmopolitan - mean dog
- All household information and our company letterhead should be produced at the
top of the bill.
- All of the households subscriptions should be on the same bill, with a
bottom-line total of the amount owed.
- Any late charges and expiry date for each subscription should be listed as well.
- All of the transactions since the last time a bill was printed for this
household should be listed (eg. payments received, new subscriptions, etc.)
- Ability to generate bills for all households (or just one) with
outstanding balances upon request.
- When payments are received from and subscriptions sold to households,
we need to be able to update their record of outstanding balance.
- A summary sheet should be produced on request with total monies
owed and total number of subscribers by publication.
- Ability to generate daily summary information showing how many
copies of each publication were sold that day. The number of copies
sold and the total monetary value should be included. We would like
this in two formats:
- For each publication, a separate sheet listing sales by route,
with a total at the bottom.
- A grand-summary sheet with all publications totals, and one
bottom-line total for the day.
Back to the CPSC 451 Customer Group #7 Documents
Last Modified Jan. 16, 1996 by
Darrell Nash