Entity Relationship Diagram

The bellow diagram is what is refered to as an "Entity Relationship Diagram". Its purpose is to show the relationship between different data in the hotel management program , and the actions that are performed on it. And how data from different objects relate to each other.


The Data Entities represent data that will need to be stored on the system, in general terms.

The Relationships represent actions that will occur to the Data Entities, or Weak Entities.

The Weak Entities represent data that does not exist, except in relation to a Data Entity.

Data Dictionary

Below is a data dictionary used to demostrate how data will be represented in the computer system, and how different modules are inter related.

Access Level = (Front Desk) + (Kitchen) + (Management)

* An access level which denotes exactly which areas, a user has access to.*

Amount Paid= $ + INT + '.' + [00 | 01 | .. | 99]

The amount the customer has actually paid.

Arrival Date = Date

* Represents the date the cutomers arrived.*

Balance $ + INT + '.' + [00 | 01 | .. | 99]

The amount remaining for the customer to pay.

Bill to = Room Number

* A valid room number in the hotel to bill a some to.*

Bus. Phone = Phone Number

* Represents the bussiness phone number of the customer.*

Calendar Day = Date + {Room}

* Represnts all of the days on the calendar, along with which rooms are booked for that day.*

Category = [Single | Double | Triple]

* A category represents the size of a room.*

City = STRING(64)

* Represents the name of a city.*

Country = STRING(64)

* Represents the name of a country.*

Cost of Phone Call= $ + INT + '.' + [00 | 01 | .. | 99]

* The cost of an outgoing phone call.*

Credit Card Number [0000 0000 0000 0000 | 0000 0000 0000 0001 | .... .... .... .... | 9999 9999 9999 9999]

* Represents a credit card number.*

Customer Info = Guest Name + Room Number + Arrival Date + Departure Date + Representing + Mailing Address + Bus. Phone + Home Phone + Number Of Occupants + Additional Occupants + Vehicle Description + Special Instructions

* Represents all of the infomration about customers in a certain room.*

Date = [01 | 02 | .. | 12] + \ + [01 | 02 | .. | 31] + \ + [1996 | 1997 | .... | 3000]

* Represents the date in month/day/year format.*

Delivery Time = Time + Date

* The Time at which a room service request should be delivered.*

Departure Date = Date

* Represents the date the customer is expected to leave.*

Employee = Employee Name + Password + Employee Number + Access Level

* Represents all of the information on a current employee.*

Employee Name = Name

* Represents the name of an Employee *.

Employee Number = INT

* A unique employee number.*

First Name = STRING (30)

* Represents A Persons First Name.*

Food Description = STRING(256)

* A Field used to Describe a Menu Item.*

Food Item = STRING(32)

* A Field which represents dish on the menu item.*

Front Desk Messages = {Message}

* Represents all of the messages currently at the front desk.*

Guest Bill = Guest Name + (Room Service Bills) + (Phone Service) + Arrival Date + Departure Date + Room Rate + Room Number + Amou nt Paid + Balance + Method Of Payment + (Credit Card Number) + Employee Number

* Represents all of the information needed to generate a bill fo r a guest.*

Guest Name = Name

*Represents the name of a Guest*

Handicapped = [Yes | No]

* This field determines if the room is Handicap Accessible.*

Home Phone = Phone Number

* Represents the home phone number of the customer.*

Hotel Rooms = {Room}

* Represents all of the rooms in the hotel.*

Last Name = STRING (30)

* Represents A Persons Last Name.*

License Plate = {[ 0 | 1 | .. | 9 | A | B | .. | Z]}^9

* Represents the license plate of a vehicle.

List Of Food Entries = {Menu Item}

* A particular order of some items off of the menu.*

Mailing Address = Street Address + City + Province + Country + Zip Code

* Represents A postal mailling addres.*

Menu = {Menu Item}

* Represents the entire menu with all of its entries.*

Menu Item = Food Item + Food Description + Price

* A Menu Item represents a complete entry for the Menu.*

Message = Guest Name + Room Number + Time Stamp + Message Sender

* Represents a message for a guest.*

Message Body = STRING(1000)

* Represents a message taken for a guest, by the front desk.*

Message Sender = Name

* Represents the name of a person who has left a message for one of the guests at the hotel.*

Method Of Payment = [Cash | Credit Card | Check ]

* Represents a method of payment.*

Middle Name = STRING (30)

* Represents A Persons Middle Name.*

Name = First Name + Middle Name + Last Name

* Represents a persons entire name.*

Names Of Additional Occupants = {Name}

* A list that contains the names of additional occupants for a room.*

Number Of Occupants = INT

* Represents the number of occupants in a room.

Outgoing Phone Number = Phone Number

* Represents a call made from a room.*

Password = STRING(8)

* An position to maintain the password of the user.*

Phone Call = Bill To + Outgoing Phone Number + Start Time + Stop Time + Cost of Phone Call

* Represents a phone call made from a certain room. *

Phone Number = [ 0 | 1 | .. | 9] + '-' + [000 | 001 | ... | 999 ] + '-' + [000 | 001 | ... | 999 ] + '-' + [0000 | 0001 | .... | 9999]

* Represents a phone number.*

Phone Service = {Phone Call}

* A List of Phone Usages.*

Price = $ + INT + [00 | 01 | .. | 99]

* A Field which represents the price for a Menu Item.*

Price Per Night = $ + INT + '.' + [00 | 01 | .. | 99]

* The Cost per night of renting a room*.

Province = STRING(64)

* Represents the name of a province or a state.*

Representing = STRING(64)

* Represents the name of a group or company that a customer may be with while staying with the company.*

Room = Room Number + Category + Handicapped + Smoking + Price Per Night + Special Room.

* Represents all of the data for a specific room in the hotel. *

Room Number = [0000 | 0001 | ..... | 9998 | 9999]

* A 4 digit integer to represent a room number.*

Room Rate = Price Per Night

* Represents the price of a room per night, as of the night the customer checks in.*

Room Service Bills = {Room Service Request}

* A List of room service requests.*

Room Service Request = Room Number + Time Stamp + Delivery Time + List Of Food Entries + Sepcial Cooking Instructi ons + Bill To

* Represents an entire request for room service for a particular room.*

Smoking = [Yes | No]

* This field determines whether or not smoking is permitted in a room.*

Special Cooking Instructions = STRING(4096)

* Represents specific cooking instructions for a Room Service request.*

Special Instructions = STRING(12,000)

* A buffer to hold and specific instructions a guest may wishes to leave.*

Special Room = [ Presidential | Honeymoon | None ]

* Determines whether a room is a specific type of suite.*

Staff List = {Employee}

* Represents the current staff at the hotel.*

Start Time = Time Stamp

* A time stamp, indicating the start time of a phone call.*

Stop Time = Time Stamp

* A time stamp, indicating the end time of phone call.*

Street Address = STRING(256)

* Represents A Street Address of an individual.*

Time = [00 | 01 | .. | 23] + : + [00 | 01 | .. | 60]

* Represents the time, in 24 hour format.*

Time Stamp = Time + Date

* Represents the time something was done at.*

Vehicle Description = Vehicle Make + Vehicle Model + License Plate

* Represents A description of a vehicle.*

Vehicle Make = STRING(64)

* Represent the make of a vehicle.*

Vehicle Model = STRING(32)

* Represents the model of vehicle.

Zip Code = {[ 0 | 1 | .. | 9 | A | B | .. | Z]}^9

* Represents A zip Code or postal code.*

Data Dictionary Legend

= is composed of.

+ is a sequence, meaning and.

[ | ] is a selection, meaning either or.

{ } is a many of a certain type.

{ }^n is n of a certain type.

( ) is optional data.

* * delimits comments.

INT is an integer.

STRING(n) is a string of length n.