Test Plan


Following is the proposed Test Plan for the Time Tracker Employee Scheduler software system provided by Axiom Enterprises for TimeManage Inc. The primary objectives of the Test Plan are to provide a qualitative means by which to document and ensure that all customer requirements are met upon completion of the Time Tracker package. Furthermore, the Test Plan will serve as an aid during implementation that will encourage our programming team to maintain a development schedule, thus completing Time Tracker on time according to customer demands.

A testing schedule is provided below (Integration Plan) which serves as a series of checkpoints whereby any discrepancies in test results are immediately reported to the Programming Team. It is then the responsibility of the Programming Team to either make the appropriate changes to the system or initiate further negotiations (through the Project Manager) with the customer. Repeating the failed tests, once the problem has been corrected, ensures that requirements are being met. It is the duty of the Test Manager to monitor and ensure that the testing process stays on schedule and any delays (debugging, backtracking) that force a re-scheduling of testing procedures are monitored under the supervision of the Test Manager.

Integration Plan

The Test Plan is broken down into five stages with completion dates as follows: Each testing procedure has a "Test Supervisor" while the Test Manager acts as a liaison among groups as well as oversees the entire testing process.

Testing Stages

There are five stages of tests which correspond to the Integration Plan (above).

Stage 1: Module/Unit Tests

1. Login Module

Test Supervisor: Russ Magee
Overall objective: This test plan is designed to verify that the Login Module performs the tasks required of it, as outlined in the Overall Design Document.

Test 1:

Scenario for Test 1:
John starts up TimeTracker and is presented with the Login window. He enters his login name, "johnjones", and enters his password (which is echoed as asterixes to the window as he types). Clicking "OK" brings up an alert box stating that his login name and/or password was incorrect, and he is returned to the login window; the employee ID and password fields are cleared and John re-enters his name and password more carefully. Clicking "OK" results in the login window disappearing, to be replaced by the main daytimer window.

2 Update Database Module

Test Supervisor: Chris Mohr
Overall objective: These tests are to be done to make sure that all meetings are updated properly in the data stores, and the attendees are all updated in the booking table.

Test 1:

3.2 View Meeting Module

Test Supervisor: Chris Mohr
Overall objective: These tests will show that when a user goes to view a certain meeting, it correctly chooses the appropriate meeting and displays ONLY the meeting info for that meeting.

Test 1:

Test 2: Test 3:
3.3.1 Load Scheduler Form Module

Test Supervisor: Chris Mohr
Overall objective: These tests will show that when a user wants to view all the meetings he/she has, the proper list will show up.

Test 1:

Test 2:
3.3.2 Select Meeting Module

Test Supervisor: Michael Cullingham
Overall objective: This module must select the correct meeting from the database and display the information in the appropriate text boxes/radio buttons/etc.

Test 1: Normal input.

Test 2: No meetings have been convened.
3.3.3 Cancel Meeting Module

Test Supervisor: Chris Mohr
Overall objective: These tests will show that when a user wants to cancel a meeting, it makes sure it is canceled.

Test 1:

Test 2:
3.3.4 Schedule Meeting Module

Test Supervisor: Michael Cullingham
Overall objective: These tests are designed to ensure that no error-ridden meetings can be written to the database, that employees are notified of being scheduled for a meeting or invited to a meeting they cannot attend, to ensure that the meetings appear in the timetables of the people attending, and to ensure that the meeting appears in the "convened meetings" list for the scheduler. For this discussion, the date is assumed to be March 17, 1996 at 1:00 pm.

Test 1: Normal input.

Test 2: No employees invited. Test 3: Time has already passed.
3.3.5 Manual Scheduling Module

Test Supervisor: Michael Cullingham
Overall objective:These tests are designed to ensure that when called, this module returns the names of those employees that can attend a meeting, and those that can't. When given a date/time that has already past, the program should notify the user of this error.

Test 1: Normal input

Test 2: Time has already passed

3.3.6 Automatic Scheduling Module

Test Supervisor: Michael Cullingham
Overall objective: These tests are designed to ensure that when called, this module returns optimal time for a meeting (storing it in the date/time fields), and informs the user of the best time. For this discussion, the day that the user is scheduling the meeting is assumed to be March 17, 1996 and the time is 1:00pm.

Test 1: Normal input

Test 2: One or fewer employees can attend in the given time range. Test 3: Time has already passed. Test 4: Time in reverse order
3.4 Availability Module

Test Supervisor: Hiu Lee (Roger)
Overall objective: This module helps the user to set up his/her availability for daily routine schedule. It also allows the user to change his/her availability after the normal schedule is set up.

Test 1:

Test 2: Test 3:
3.5 Messages Module

Test Supervisor: Hiu Lee (Roger)
Overall objective: This module allows the user to scroll through his/her messages and to click on them to get more in-depth details. It also allows the user to delete the message as it is expired.

Test 1:

Test 2: Test 3: Test 4: Test 5: Test 6: Test 7: Test 8: Test 9:
3.6 Alias Module

Test Supervisor: Russ Magee
Overall objective: This test plan is designed to verify that the Aliases Module performs the tasks required of it, as outlined in the Overall Design Document.

Test 1: Creating a new group/alias.

Test 2: Creating a new group/alias. Test 3: Creating a new group/alias. Scenario for Tests 1-3:
John wants to create a meeting for the new Widget Marketing Team. The team was formed yesterday, so the program does not know about this group. John selects the Alias function from the main program window and a window entitled "Employees" appears. John clicks on the "Name of Group:" text box and enters "Widget Mktg Team". He then scrolls through the list of employees in the lefthand listbox, clicking on the name of any employee he sees that is in the Widget Marketing Team. As he clicks on each name, it is copied into the listbox on the righthand side, entitled "Employees in Group". When John is done adding all the proper names to the group, he clicks on the "Add" button at the bottom left of the window, and clicks on the close button (in the NW corner of the window) to exit the Alias Module.

Test 4: Deleting a group/alias.

Scenario for Test 4:
Due to recent layoffs, Sarah is told to remove the employees in the R&D department from her scheduler. She calls up the Alias Module from the main calendar screen and clicks on the arrow beside the "Name of Group:" dropdown listbox to display a list of all group aliases she has defined. She locates the group "Research & Dev." in her list and clicks to select it. The group name is displayed in the top text box, and all the employees belonging to it are shown in the "Employees in Group" listbox. Sarah clicks the "Remove" button at the bottom of the window to remove the group. An alert box appears, asking if she really wants to delete this group. She clicks on the "Yes" button to confirm the deletion, and the group is deleted from the database. Sarah then clicks on the close window button (NW corner of the window) to exit the Alias Module.

Test 5: Edit an existing group/alias.

Stage 2: Integration Tests

3.0 Main Functions Module

Test Supervisor: Chris Mohr
Overall objective: These tests will show that when a button is pressed from the main menu, the appropriate module will come up.

Test 1:

Test 2: Test 3: Test 4: Test 5: Test 6: Test 7: Test 8:
3.0 Event Handler Module

Test Supervisor: Russ Magee
Overall objective: This test plan is designed to verify that the Event Handler Module performs all tasks required of it, as outlined in the Overall Design Document.

Test 1:

Scenario for Test 1:
Sue wishes to create a meeting for April the 22, 1996. She enters the TimeTracker program and after login is presented with the main calendar/ daytimer view for February. She clicks on the next month button above the calendar to set the month to April, and then clicks on the 22nd. The daytimer is updated with the week of April the 22nd. She wishes the meeting to be at 4:00 PM. She scrolls the daytimer view down until 4:00 is in view, then clicks on the 22nd's 4:00 box to enter the Scheduler Module.

3.3.0 Scheduler Event Handler Module

Test Supervisor: Chris Mohr
Overall objective: These tests will show that the calling of modules from the scheduler event handler are all in working order.

Test 1:

Test 2: Test 3: Test 4:
3.7 Calendar Event Handler Module

Test Supervisor: Russ Magee
Overall objective: This test plan is designed to verify that the Event Handler Module performs all tasks required of it, as outlined in the Overall Design Document.

Test 1:

Scenario for Test 1:
See Module 3.0 (Event Handler); the Calendar Events module is actually an integral part of the main Event Handler Module.

Stage 3: Functional Tests

Test Supervisor: Russ Magee
Overall objective: This section describes a list of tests that will be performed on the TimeTracker system during development to ensure conformance to the customer's list of requirements. It is intended that adherence to the items in this test plan will result in a package that meets all functions required by the customer.

Stage 4: Performance Evaluation

Record an Appointment

Test Supervisor: Danny Yerex
Overall Objective: This overall plan is designed to see if an employee can enter the system, make an appointment, and leave, in a reasonable amount of time (30 sec/2 min), for both user scheduled and computer scheduled appointments.

Start Time

Test 1: Login Module Test procedure

Test 2: Schedule Meeting Test procedure (manual)

Test 3: Confirm existence of meeting on weekly grid.

Stop Time

Start Time

Test 1: Login Module Test procedure

Test 2: Schedule Meeting Test procedure (automatic)

Test 3: Confirm existence of meeting on weekly grid.

Stop Time

Review a Week's Appointments

Test Supervisor: Danny Yerex
Overall Objective: To see how easy it is/how much time it takes to enter the system and review a given week.

Start Time

Test 1: Login Module Test procedure

Test 2: Click appropriate week to view (Calendar module Test Procedure)

Test 3: View week, click a specific meeting

Stop Time

Stage 5: Acceptance Tests

The system demonstration will feature the basic functions of Time Tracker System. These features will be evaluated against our customer's initial system requirements. The user manual accompanying the Detailed Design Document will be used to measure the usability of the procedural instructions of the system.

However, should terms of contract and negotiations be overlooked, we may draw up a NEW contract to include the NEW terms negotiated as enhancements.

To allow our customers a test drive of the system, we decided the actual end users a TWO WEEK trial period of the system at NO COST. During which, they may contact our Customer Support Service on our 24-hr Support Service line at toll-free (1-800-Axiom-En) to report or inquire about the system.

The trial package will include the Time Tracker System's User Manual & System Specifications. The trial period will commence in the period of March 19th to March 31st 1996. Any loss of data during this trial period is solely the responsibility of the users.

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