User Manual Amendments
We understand that it many cases, it may have been our fault in being unable to find information relating to a screen or a feature. If this is the case, we trust that you will make every effort to make it less ambiguous, for if we had a problem, we believe our users may too.
Overall, we are very impressed with your first draft of the user manual. It
was thorough and professionally done. With this in mind, please accept the
following criticisms as constructive, and are intended to perfect an already
fine document.
The document could have broken down into a few smaller links, rather than a big one; it has taken too much time to load and print. Also, it contains a few spelling mistakes and figures mislabeled. Also, it has some inconsistencies between the screen snapshot and the specific term. We need a document that the users will find a pleasure to read.
From the list of information, because there is a certain access right towards each information provided for users, can we refer to each of the information and state the authorized user(s) accordingly?
For detailed instructions on how to perform a search, you suggested users to see section 5 'Performing a Listing Search', but actually it was section 4.
Refer to the figure: Main Search Screen in Buyer Mode, it is unclear about what are the remaining functions that you try to address to, when you said that they are not accessible. Because from what I can see from the screen, there are only three functional buttons in total, i.e. 'Search', 'Clear' and 'Print'.
The topic 'Search by Reference number' has never appeared in anywhere of the document, and there is no section 4.5 found as well.
The 'Help' button was indicated to be "at the top of the screen", but it has never been found there. In fact, it was located at the bottom of the screens.
Twelve Monkeys Help, one of the four types of help to the users, was not specified clearly of how to get access of it from the system.
It would be a good idea to suggest users to refer to section 3 'Accessing/ Exiting program' when necessary. Nevertheless, it has addressed our questions about security of the application appropriately.
To be consistent with previous way, when referencing to section(s) in the document, we prefer to have the section number indicated ALWAYS before the topic. i.e. 8.1 'Change Personal Information' and 8.2 'Add/Modify Employee'.
To be more specific, point 3 to log in: Tab to password block, can we restate it to "Press 'tab' key to password block" instead?
From point 2 and 3, do you mean that the 'Close' option can be selected from the SAME pull-down menu, but there are two different ways to invoke the menu?
When you classify the search options into five different kinds, since the 'All/Own' option is performed through radio button, and itself a special option for the Realtor and Administrator modes, it can be placed under both of the categories with some explanation given.
The ways to specify a set of search options have been clearly indicated.
To select another listing to view, there is no "up/down arrow on the scroll bar on the right of the 'Search results' list box" shown from the figures, as indicated in point 2 and 3. More precisely, there exists no vertical scroll bar at all in the list box, but horizontal scroll bar is provided instead.
It would be easier to picture the steps of viewing seller information if you referred them to figure 5: Main Search Screen showing Realtor Menu, and figure 6: Add/Modify a Listing, rather than plain text explanation.
It is unclear about what the exact output is, when the 'Print' button is pressed.
In step 3, when you refer to "the check box 'Add Listing'", we think that it is more appropriate to say "the radio button of 'Add Listing'" instead.
In step 6, you said "Click on 'Browse Picture' ...", there is no such button found on the screen. Do you mean 'Browse' button instead?
In step 7, you said "Click on 'Save' ...", there is no such button found in the 'Add/Modify a Listing' screen. Do you mean 'Save Listing' button in the 'Add/Modify a Listing' screen or some other save buttons in other screen?
In step 6, you said "Click on 'Save' ...", there is no such button found in the 'Add/Modify a Listing' screen. Do you mean 'Save Listing' button in the 'Add/Modify a Listing' screen, or can it be 'Save Info' button in the 'Seller's Information' screen?
In step 4, you said "Click on 'Delete' ...", there is no such button found in the screen. Do you mean 'Delete Listing' button instead?
We are satisfied with the explanation of this section, except there is a spelling error for "Reassign Listing" in your "Administrator pull-down menu".
Good. The explanation is clear and easy to understand.
Our suppliers say that, quote "These comments can only be accessed by another realtor". We think that the administrator should be able to access this function as well. If this is a typing mistake, please correct it. But if the system is set up this way, we want the supplier to modify it so that the administrator can access this function as well.
Good. The explanation is clear and easy to understand.
The Field Requirement and Error Handling for 'Ref #' is missing.
Good. The explanation is clear and easy to understand.
Good. The explanation is clear and easy to understand.
For point number 3, quote "3. Click on the appropriate field to be modify. To change the password...". We think it should be broken down into two points instead of putting everything in one point. "To change the password:..." should come after point 4.
Good. The explanation is clear and easy to understand.
Good. The explanation is clear and easy to understand.
Good. The explanation is clear and easy to understand.