Rob Kremer


Practical Software Engineering

CPSC 451 Practical Software Engineering
Assignment/Exam Timeline

Please see the course description for more detailed descriptions of the assignments for both the Customer and Supplier

Week starting (Mon) Tuesday 5:00-6:15 Thursday 5:00-6:15
0 970106
1 970113 C: Informal specification of requirements
2 970120
3 970127 S: Functional specification and management plan (about 15-20 pages) C: Functional specification and management plan (acceptance) (Due Friday, Jan. 31)
First report
4 970203
5 970210 S: Overall design document Midterm -- 20%
6 970217 C: Overall design document (acceptance)
7 970224 S:Detail design document
Second report
Project Groups Project Groups
. 970303 READING WEEK No class READING WEEK No class
8 970310
9 970317 S: User manual
10 970324 C: User manual (acceptance) (Due: Mon, Mar. 24) Final -- 20%
11 970331 C: Evaluation 1 day after demo
S: Evaluation 2 days after demo
Third Report 2 days after demo
Final Report
Project Groups Project Groups
12 970407 Project Groups Project Groups
13 970414 Project Groups Project Groups

UofC Practical Software Engineering, Department of Computer Science

Rob Kremer