Welcome to the homepage of Peachy Business Forms Ltd . Please follow the link to the informal specifications.
Informal design specifications
dHACs Software - Supplier Group #1
Report on dHACs Functional Specifications and Management Plan
Report on dHACs Overall Design Document
Thomas Allan | allan@cpsc.ucalgary.ca | |
Patrick Bergamin | bergamin@cpsc.ucalgary.ca | |
Ben Chan | yat@cpsc.ucalgary.ca | |
Kit Chan | kit@cpsc.ucalgary.ca | |
Joseph Goethals | goethals@cpsc.ucalgary.ca | |
Zac Jacobson | zj@cpsc.ucalgary.ca | |
Brandon Kurucz | kurucz@cpsc.ucalgary.ca | |
Lai Lau | lail@cpsc.ucalgary.ca | |
Peter MacMurchy | peterm@cpsc.ucalgary.ca | |
Mike Shareski | msharsk@softnc.com | |
Don Tetreault | donaldt@cpsc.ucalgary.ca | |
Liz Wong | liz@cpsc.ucalgary.ca | |
Conway Yu | yuc@cpsc.ucalgary.ca | |
Mail group | Customer Group #1 |
Please email the webmaster at
goethals@cpsc.ucalgary.ca if there are any questions or comments about this page.
This page has been under construction since January 15, 1997
Last update was 9:25pm January 27, 1997