Design Document Department of Computer
Science Page maintainer: Terrence
Asgar-Deen |
This section addresses the concerns that the customer group expressed in the document titled "Functional Specification and Management Plan". The concerns are listed below along with dHACs Software responses and clarification.
1. Please send our webmaster the names of one or two contacts for us to keep in touch with.
dHACs Software's Contacts:
- Primary contact: Brian Low, lowb@cpsc.ucalgary.ca
- Secondary contact: Terrence Asgar-Deen, terrence@cpsc.ucalgary.ca
dHACs Software's webmaster's is Terrence Asgar-Deen. He can be reached at terrence@cpsc.ucalgary.ca.
2. Referring to 'Products' above implies more than one product per order, that is exactly what we want. We would also like Product Number and Motif Number, and the total price of the order on the report.
The specification has been changed to include the Product Number, Motif Number, and the total price of the order in the report to be generated.
The specification has been modified to include the Customer Phone Number, Address, and Contact person in the Individual Customer Report.
In addition, the product description, unit size, and the price has been added to the List of All Products Report.
On the Salesperson Customer Information will also include the customer address, phone number, and the contact person.
3. We suggest a minimum of 5 and a maximum of 8 characters. We would like it to be case sensitive and encrypted, as well, at least one character is alphabetic and at least one is non-alphabetic.
The security passwords will contain at least five characters and a maximum of eight. The string will contain at least one alphabetic and non-alphabetic character. Two levels of security will be provided. One level for the administrators and another for the salespeople. The system will automatically adjust the user's access privileges based on the user name. The salespeople may only access certain data. One screen will be the customer list, which will not allow the salespeople will not have editing privileges at this screen.
This document does not yet address the encryption and case sensitivity of the passwords. This information will be available in the next document.
4. We have some comments about the data structures. First of all, we would like customer to include City and Province for mailing purposes. Plus, again, should Product need a Name, and Price attribute? What do you mean by Company type? Finally, should Product # and Motif # be a compound key since one product number can have many motif numbers? And you did not specify the format of the product # and motif #. We specified NNNN-MMM for the format.
The customer data will contain the city and province. Also, products will have a name and price attribute.
Company type has been removed.
The format of the product number is as you requested.
5. The default you discuss is a good idea, but do we have to follow Postal Code standards? For example, it may be the case that two salesman have different customers in the same postal reference and we want to accommodate this.
Originally, this was used to allow for automatic assignment of the customer to a specific territory in a dynamic fashion. However, since an automatic system cannot be specified based on your requirements, the system has been modified to require the user to explicitly enter in the territory number of the customer.
The number of territories is user definable. The names of the territories is user definable.
6. Max Visits/Day should be included in the requested fields.
This field has been added.
7. The Order Number should be automatically generated by the system and ensure uniqueness. Each order allows for multiple products on one order as you described under Order Report with 'Products ordered including:'.
A unique order number will be generated by the system.
8. We are also unclear on the ordering concept and end of day processing for salesman. For example, how does a salesman tell the system that it did not visit someone on his list so that the system can include that customer in the next days list.
The ability to inform the system of which companies were visited by the salesperson on the given day is currently being added into the human interface.
9. What's the 1-800 number we should call?? :)
The 1-800 number is a company toll-free line that is used for immediate service at any time of the day. This number will be provided upon delivery of the system.