Design Document Department of Computer
Science Page maintainer: Terrence
Asgar-Deen |
When a salesperson selects this option he/she will be shown a list of all the customers in the database. This list will be obtained from the data store "Customer" shown above. A salesperson will only be able to view or print this list.
When a salesperson selects this option he/she will be shown a list of his/her customers. This info will be obtained from the "Customer" data store. This list will be modifiable by the salesperson and is described in process B1.4. This list can be printed by the salesperson.
When a salesperson selects this option he/she will be shown his/her daily route for the current day. This information will be obtained from the "Customer" data store. This list can be printed.
This option is available when the salesperson is viewing his/her list of customers. While viewing this list, the salesperson can modify the order of the list. This will change the way their daily route will be ordered when it is viewed. When a change is made, the modifications will be stored in the datastore "Customer" and a status message will be returned to the salesperson informing them if the modification was successful.
What is "status" (not in data dictionary)?
When a salesperson requests this option he/she is shown a list of all the products in the database. The list is obtained from the "Products" datastore. This list contains all information about each product. The salesperson may view or print this information.
How is this request made? Should there be a data flow for it?
When a Salesperson selects this option he/she will have to enter a certain Product #. If he/she enters a product number and no Motif # he/she will be given a list of the product with all it's different motif #'s. If he/she enters a Motif # with the product number it will only show that product and it's information that goes with it. This information is pulled from the datastore "Products". The Salesperson will be able to view and print this information.
Please replace all instances of "invoices" with "orders" in the above diagram.
When this option is selected the salesperson will be shown a list of all the orders that he/she has placed with a certain customer. The salesperson will input the customer ID of the customer who's orders he/she wishes to view. This list is obtained from the datastore "Orders". Once this list is displayed, salesperson will be able to view or print this list.
"Order"is really hard to find in the data dictionary (not in
alphabetical order).
Please replace all instances of "invoices" with "orders" in the above diagram.
When this option is selected the salesperson will be shown a list of all the orders that he have been placed on a particular day. The salesperson will input the day he/she wants to view. This list will be obtained from the datastore "Orders". Once this list is displayed, the salesperson will be able to view or print this list.
"Day" is not in the data dictionary.
Please replace all instances of "invoices" with "orders" in the above diagram.
This option is used for displaying an order. The user inputs the order ID and the detailed order information is displayed. To obtain the information, the "Orders" table is queried. This order may be printed.
Missing Image (to be added later)
When a salesperson selects this option he/she will be presented with a screen where the order information can be entered. There salesperson ID will automatically be placed on the order. When the salesperson enters product ID's, the cost of the product will be computed on the order. This order will be stored in the "Orders" datastore and will be available for viewing or printing.
What about the quantity for each product? Is this to be entered, too?