User Manual
CPSC 451 Supplier Group #1

Department of Computer Science
University of Calgary
18 March 1997

Page maintainer: Terrence Asgar-Deen

  • Terrence Asgar-Deen
  • Patrick Chan
  • Thomas Hui
  • Carsten Jaeger
  • Matthew Johnson
  • Brian Low
  • Hoang Nguyen
  • Kevin Pattison
  • Csaba Suveges
  • Jeremy Tang
  • Leena Thakkar
  • Al-Amin Vira
  • Lin Zhang

  • The management and staff of Peachy Business Forms wish to thank dHacs Software for the timely production of this manual. It has given us an excellent opportunity to preview the operation of our new system before installation and excitement is mounting in anticipation. Since we know you are seeking approval along with some feedback regarding this document, comments have been inserted throughout as before. To see the original page please refer to Here.

    Table of Contents


    The Sales Routing System is a powerful software program developed specifically for the needs of Peachy Business Forms to control their daily sales routes. Easy to use commands and an intuitive interface allow staff members to immediately use the system as part of their day to day activities. Functions include the management of customers, products, purchase orders and sales territories (routes).

    Key Features

    The Sales Routing System includes the following features and capabilities:


    Ease of Use


    The Sales Routing System is based around the concept of a central window. Using this central window provides a constant frame of reference for the remainder of the system.

    This window is a standard Windows 95 application window. The window has the standard title bar, with the control box, minimize, maximize and close buttons. The border is resizable, and the contents of the window resize gracefully when the window itself is resized. Within the window there are several components that have become standard in Windows 95 applications. The menu bar, toolbar and status bar are all described below.

    The main area of the application window is referred to as the "work area" in which the major functionality is displayed. The work area will display one of the following four areas of the system:

    1. Customer Area
    2. Products Area
    3. Purchase Orders Area
    4. Salesperson Area

    Navigation between these areas can be accomplished in one of three ways, depending on which the end-user is most comfortable with:

    1. using the View menu
    2. using the toolbar
    3. using the navigation buttons in the upper right corner of the work area

    Each of the four product areas are described in detail later in this guide as they pertain to the end user (Salesperson) and administrator functions.

    The security features as described above will be adequate to fill the needs of Peachy Business Forms -- the additional feature of greying out menu items inaccessible to the current user is a sensible idea. In general, a Windows 95 look and feel should be of great assistance in training the staff to use this system.

    Overall control of the system from a central window is another feature that meets with our approval; however, in the above description, there is a reference to four main areas of the system. We are unable to find specific links to descriptions of these in the Table of Contents. Perhaps direct links to further information on these four areas could be provided.

    One other major concern. Many members of the team have made comments against your chosen colour scheme in the screenshots. One member described them as a sort of coffee stain motif. It does not seem very appropriate that the system can resembles stains. It would be greatly appreciated if something could be done about this minor problem. We do not mean to be nit-picky but we do not feel it creates a suitable working environment as we hoped to attain with help from dHACs. If you would like to ask us for suggestions for a new colour scheme, please email Joseph Goethals or Keith Uyeno.

    User Operations

    Logging into the System


    When any user/administrator wishes to access the system, the first step is to log into the system using the Login Dialog. When the system is started, the user will be presented with a dialog box consisting of two parts: the Username and the Password.

    How to Log into the System:

    1. After the system is started, type your Username into the appropriate field in the dialog box. If you are unsure of your Username, please contact your administrator for further instructions.
    2. Type your Password into the appropriate field in the dialog box. The Password will not be shown on the screen (for security reasons) so care should be taken when entering it.
    3. When both fields are filled with the appropriate information, click on the button marked "OK".
    4. If the Username and Password were correct, the user be allowed to access the system. If for some reason either the Username or Password is incorrect, the user will be notified and allowed to attempt another login.
    This window is very clear. But, could an explanation describing the events that occur when the user clicks "Exit SRS" be included?

    Changing your Password


    A user may wish to change his/her password for any number of reasons. Passwords should always be kept secret.

    How to Change your Password:

    1. Using the mouse, select File->Change Password on the menu bar.
    2. The user's Username will automatically appear in the field marked "User Name".
    3. The user must then enter their current password in the "Old Password" field.
    4. Enter the new password desired in the "New Password" field.
    5. Repeat the new password in the "Confirm Password" field.
    6. When all fields are filled, click "OK" to change the password.

    Note: For security reasons, none of the passwords will actually appear on the screen when they are entered. Instead, they will appear as a series of asterisks. ENSURE PASSWORDS ARE ENTERED CORRECTLY.

    This window is simple and clear. But, what would occur if the user entered an incorrect old password or the new password does not match the confirm password? Referring the the Error Message Appendix for any errors would be helpful.

    Viewing your Daily Route List


    The main function of the Sales Routing System is to allow salespeople to efficiently manage their sales routes. The Daily Route List for a user may be viewed by the user at any time. After a user logs into the system, the View Daily Route screen will appear. The View Daily Route screen can also be accessed through the menu bar.

    How to view your Daily Route List:

    1. Using the mouse, select View->Customers on the menu bar.
    2. In the box marked "Select View" click on "My Daily List".

    The steps in viewing the daily route list are straight forward but we didn't see the menu bar in the screen shot. Nice tidy user interface though.

    Changing the Order of the Daily Route List


    To make users better able to manage their sales routes, the Sales Routing System allows individual salespeople to modify the order of their Daily Routes.

    How to change the order of your Daily Route List:

    1. Access the View Daily Route window. (See "Viewing Your Daily Route List")
    2. Select the Customer to be moved by clicking the mouse in the box to the left of the customer entry. A pointer will appear in the box.
    3. To move the customer entry up on the list, click the "Up" button. To move the customer entry down, click the "Down" button.

    This seems very simple and straight forward.

    Viewing All Of Your Customers


    A user may need to view his/her entire customer list, instead of just the Daily Route List for any particular day.

    How to view all of your Customers:

    1. Using the mouse, select View->Customers from the menu bar.
    2. Click on the button marked "My Entire Route". A list of all of the customers belonging to the user will be displayed.

    Viewing Customer Orders


    A user may need to view the ordering information pertaining to a particular customer, either on his/her Daily Route or on their entire route.

    How to view a Customer's Orders:

    1. Access either the Daily Route List or entire route as necessary (See "Viewing Your Daily Route List" and "Viewing all of Your Customers" for more information).
    2. Select the desired customer by clicking the mouse on the box to the left of the customer entry.
    3. Click on the button marked "View Orders" on the top right of the window to view ordering information for that customer.

    These two important view features seem straightforward and easy to use.

    The instructions for Viewing the Product List and Detailed Product Information are easy to follow, and understand.

    Viewing the Product List


    The user can view the entire list of products that the company has to offer.

    How to View the Product List:

    1. Using the mouse, either select View->Products on the menu bar or click on the button marked "Products" in the work area.

    Viewing Detailed Product Information


    The user may view the detailed information for a particular product in the company's lineup. This includes product ID, motif number, name, number of items in stock, size, unit cost, and additional comments.

    How to view Detailed Product Information:

    1. View the product list (See "Viewing the Product List").
    2. Select a product by clicking on the box to the left of the product entry in the list.
    3. Select View->View Details from the menu bar.

    Viewing Purchase Orders


    The user may view a list of all orders placed by his/her customers.

    How to view Purchase Orders:

    1. Using the mouse, either select View->Purchase Orders on the menu bar or click on the button marked "View Orders".

    Viewing Detailed Order Information


    The user may view the detailed information pertaining to a customer's purchase order. This information includes the order number, the salesperson who handled the order, the customer who placed the order, the product ordered, and the quantity ordered.

    Image is currently unavailable.

    How to view Detailed Order Information:

    1. Access the Purchase Orders screen (See "Viewing Purchase Orders").
    2. Select an order entry by clicking on the box to the left of the order entry in the list. Then either click the "View Details" button or select View->View Details from the menu bar.
    3. Alternatively, detailed information can be viewed by simply double-clicking on the entry in the list.

    Placing a Purchase Order


    The user, upon receiving an order from a customer, may place the order into the database.

    How to place a Purchase Order:

    1. Access the Purchase Order screen (See "Viewing Purchase Orders").
    2. Using the mouse, select Items->Add from the menu bar.
    3. A form will be displayed requesting the relevant information.
    4. The "Salesperson" field will automatically be filled in with the user's username.
    5. Click on the arrow to the right of the "Customer" field. Hold the mouse button. Highlight the customer that is placing the order. Release the button. If an incorrect customer was accidentally placed in the field, repeat this step until the correct customer is placed into the field.
    6. Enter the Product ID, the Motif Number and the Product Name into their respective fields.
    7. Ensure ALL information is correct, and click on the "OK" button. Note: If any of the fields are left out or filled in incorrectly, the user will be notified and prompted to correct the fields in question.
    Great! It sounds easy to add a new order.
    We are wondering that if an order has been processed, can we remove any products from the order?

    Administrator Operations

    Adding a New User


    When the administrator wishes to add a new user to the Sales Routing System database, a window appears in the work-area on the screen. This window allows the administrator to enter the name, phone number, cellular number, e-mail address, pager number, maximum visits per day, and any pertinent comment about this new user by using the keyboard. Additionally, the administrator can choose the territory and security level for this new user through a pull-down menu.

    How to Add a New User:

    1. Using the mouse, click the button called "Enter Information".
    2. Enter in the appropriate information into the data fields using the keyboard and/or mouse where appropriate. Specific fields can be selected using the mouse or the tab key.
    3. Using the mouse, click the button called "OK" to save the information about this new user in the database. To cancel this operation and discard all information, click the button called "Cancel".
    The instructions are easy to follow and concise. I am unclear on the results of not filling in some fields. Are there fields that MUST be filled in or are they all optional? As well, what if a user is added with the same name as another user?

    Are the fields error checked? For example if a string was placed in the Max Visits per Day. In addition, are the passwords checked as was requested and if errors occur how are they displayed. Links to Error Message Appendix would be very helpful.

    Deleting an Existing User


    When the administrator wishes to delete an existing user in the Sales Routing System database, the administrator must access the User Work Area to display a list of users and from this list, a specific user may be deleted.

    How to Delete an Existing User:

    1. Using the mouse, click on a specific user.
    2. Using the keyboard, press the delete key. This specific user should now be deleted from the list.
    This is very straight forward, although a confirmation of deletion would be greeatly appreciated to avoid the accidental deletion of any salespeople.

    Viewing User List

    Since this is a manual for user, it would be helpful to see a better user interface, such as function descriptions and then having step by step instructions. Possibly a clearer decsription of how to get to each window discussed from a starting window so users get a basic understanding of moving through the windows. Otherwise, it look pretty good. Thank you.


    When the administrator wishes to view a list of the users in the Sales Routing System database, the administrator must first access the User Work Area and from this screen, a list of all the users of the system may be displayed.

    How to View the List of Users:

    1. Using the mouse, click on the button at the top of the screen called "Users". A new screen should appear in the work area, listing all the users in the database.

    Viewing User Information

    Just a reiteration of the previous comment, and once again clearer description of changing from window view to window view for the user. Thank you all.


    When the administrator wishes to view the detailed information about an existing user in the Sales Routing System database, a specific user must be selected from the User Work Area.

    How to View Detailed Information about a User:

    1. Using the mouse, select a specific user by clicking on it.
    2. Using the mouse, click on the button in the upper left corner of the screen called "View User". A new screen should appear in the work-area that shows the detailed information about that particular user.

    Modifying User Information


    When the administrator wishes to change the information about an existing user in the Sales Routing System database, a window appears in the work-area on the screen. This window allows the administrator to change various attributes including the name, phone number, cellular number, territory, e-mail address, pager number, security level, maximum visits per day, and comments about this user.

    How to Modify the Information about an Existing User:

    1. Select the data field that is to be modified by using the mouse or the tab key.
    2. Change the information in that field using the keyboard or mouse as required. Old information may be erased from the field by using the backspace key.
    3. When finished modifying the desired fields, exit the screen. A dialog box should appear. Using the mouse, click the button called "OK" to save the updated information about this user in the database. To cancel this operation and discard all changes, click the button called "Cancel".
    The windows here looks great. Is there any validation on the data being entered into these fields? If so when is this performed and when do the error messages occur in the sequence given.

    Adding a New Customer


    When the administrator wishes to add a new customer to the Sales Routing System database, a window appears in the work-area on the screen. This window allows the administrator to enter the company name, street address, postal code, phone number, e-mail address, fax number, comments about the company, contact's name, contact's phone number, contact's e-mail address, date of last contact, and the date of next contact by using the keyboard. Additionally, the administrator can choose enter the city and province that this company is located through a pull-down menu.

    How to Add a New Customer:

    1. Using the mouse, click the button called "Enter Company Information".
    2. Enter in the appropriate information into the data fields pertaining to the company using the keyboard and/or mouse where appropriate. Specific fields can be selected using the mouse or the tab key.
    3. Using the mouse, click the button called "Enter Contact Information".
    4. Enter in the appropriate information into the data fields pertaining to the company's contact person using the keyboard. Specific fields can be selected using the mouse or the tab key.
    5. Using the mouse, click the button called "OK" to save the information about this new customer in the database. To cancel this operation and discard all information, click the button called "Cancel".
    Is there any validation on the data being entered into the new fields? If so when is this performed and when do the error messages occur in the sequence given.

    Deleting an Existing Customer


    When the administrator wishes to delete an existing customer in the Sales Routing System database, the Route List screen must be accessed first. >From this screen, a list of customers can be displayed from which the administrator may delete a particular customer.

    How to Delete an Existing Customer:

    1. Using the mouse, click on the button in the lower right of the screen called "All Customers". This should bring up a list of all the customers in the database.
    2. Using the mouse, click on a specific user that is to be deleted.
    3. Using the keyboard, press the delete key. This customer should now be removed from the list of customers.

    Modifying Customer Information


    When the administrator wishes to change the information about an existing customer in the Sales Routing System database, a window appears in the work-area on the screen. This window allows the administrator to change various attributes including the company name, city, province, postal code, phone number, e-mail address, fax number, comments about the company, contact's name, contact's phone number, contact's e-mail address, date of last contact, and the date of next contact for this customer.

    How to Modify the Information about an Existing Customer:

    1. Select the data field that is to be modified by using the mouse or the tab key.
    2. Change the information in that field using the keyboard or mouse as required. Old information may be erased from the field by using the backspace key.
    3. When finished modifying the desired fields, exit the screen. A dialog box should appear. Using the mouse, click the button called "OK" to save the updated information about this customer in the database. To cancel this operation and discard all changes, click the button called "Cancel".
    Please clarify which window must be accessed first in order to modify the Customer Information.

    Viewing the Entire Customer List


    When the administrator wishes to view all of the customers in the Sales Routing System database, the Route List screen must be accessed first and from this screen, a list can be displayed.

    How to View the Entire Customer List:

    1. Using the mouse, click on the button in the lower right of the screen called "All Customers". A new screen should appear in the work-area showing a list of all the customers in the database.

    Add a New Order


    When the administrator wishes to add an order to the Sales Routing System database, the user must select the function Add a New Order from the modules work area. The user must specify all the information in the Add a New Order screen. The order numbered is automatically, so there is no need to enter in the order number.

    How to Add a New Order:

    1. Using the mouse, from the main work area, choose the "Modules" tab.
    2. After much scrutiny, no "Modules" tab can be found. Is this supposed to be the "Order" tab on the main work area?

    3. Using the mouse, click twice on the "Add a New Order" icon.
    4. Once the screen appears, the user must enter in all the information. The customer identification field provides a pull down menu, so the user does not need to remember the identification number. The salesperson is also a pull down menu. The date which is specified by the format **/**/**, is generated by the system, and does not need to be entered in by the user.
    5. This system must be truly powerful if it allows for salespeople to be items in a pull down menu. One can only hope that our computers will have enough memory to enable this :). On a more serious note, in what particular order is the date format to be generated - year/month/day or year/day/month?

    6. Click the "OK" button, when finished.
    7. A confirmation screen will appear, the user can either confirm the the entry of a new order or cancel it. If the user confirms the addition, the order will be successfully added on the system.

    Add a New Product


    When the administrator wishes to add a new product to the Sales Routing System database, the user must select the function Add a New Product from the modules work area. The user must specify all the information in the Add a New Product screen. The order numbered is automatically, so there is no need to enter in the order number.

    How to Add a New Product:

    1. Using the mouse, from the user's work area.
    2. Is it necessary to click the "Product" tab from the main work area in order to access the screen above? This step seems to preparing to say that but it never does.

    3. Using the mouse, click twice on the "Add a New Order" icon.
    4. So to add a new product, a person selects "Add a New Order"? Selecting "Add a New Product" would make more sence. Plus the only button I see on the screen is the "Add" button, is that what is being referred to?

    5. Once the screen appears, the user must enter in all the information. The product number, Motif Number, Name of the product, Unit Size, Size, Price per Unit, and comments must be filled to it entirety before this product can be added.
    6. Just for clarity, in what particular ways can one enter the relevant product information? Can fields be selected at will by mouse clicks (single or double), or sequentially left to right by using the 'tab' key?

    7. Click the "OK" button, when finished.
    8. A confirmation screen will appear, the user can either confirm the the entry of a new order or cancel it. If the user confirms the addition, the order will be successfully added on the system.

    9. This portion does not describe what would happend a user tried to add a Product-Motif number that already existed in the system. Would the error occur or would the confirmation screen still appear?

    Deleting an Existing Product


    When a user wishes to delete a product from the database.

    How to delete a Product:

    1. List all the products (see List all Products).
    2. Using the mouse button, to highlight the product.
    3. Press, the delete button.
    Could be a dialog box to confirm the user's actions such as , "Do you really want to delete this product?". This would help to prevent accidental deletion by the user. Also, a link to 'Viewing the Product List" would be appreciated so the user won't have to search for it. There isn't a 'List All Products" function included as I think was requested. Please clarify if this information is incorrect.

    Modifying Product Information


    If the administrator wishes to change information about a particular product, it can be done by highlighting the product that needs to be changed in the view orders screen. While highlighted the user must click on the "details" button. When the screen appears the user can change any of the fields they wish to change. They may add more information in the comments area without deleting any of the previous information.

    How change Product Information:

    1. Get a listing of the orders.
    2. Highlight the product that needs to be changed.
    3. Using the mouse button, click on the "details" button.
    4. Change any of the information listed.
    5. When the information is correctly changed, the new product information will be saved on the system.
    Modifying product attributes from a "list of orders" seems strange? It would seem more logical to do modifications from a "list of products", for example. Please clarify. You also mentioned a "details" button but the location of such a button is undeterminable by the screenshot. Overall, this function does not appear to be supported by the above screenshot. Again, some sort of dialog box to confirm the user's actions before the changes are made would be helpful .

    Add a New Order


    When the administrator wishes to add an order to the Sales Routing System database, the user must select the function Add a New Order from the modules work area. The user must specify all the information in the Add a New Order screen. The order numbered is automatically, so there is no need to enter in the order number.

    How to Add a New Order:

    1. Using the mouse, from the main work area, choose the "Modules" tab.
    2. Using the mouse, click twice on the "Add a New Order" icon.
    3. Once the screen appears, the user must enter in all the information. The customer identification field provides a pull down menu, so the user does not need to remember the identification number. The salesperson is also a pull down menu. The date which is specified by the format **/**/**, is generated by the system, and does not need to be entered in by the user.

    4. There is no mention on putting products on the order. Additionally, this section is not in the same order as indicated by the table of contents.

    5. Click the "OK" button, when finished.
    6. A confirmation screen will appear, the user can either confirm the the entry of a new order or cancel it. If the user confirms the addition, the order will be successfully added on the system.

    Deleting an Order


    When the administrator wishes to delete an order from the Sales Routing System database, button will appear on the top right hand corner of the screen indicating View Orders. The user must click on this button to access the orders. To delete the order "something" must be selected. When this screen appears the administrator must delete the order.

    The overview is very vague, clarification would be helpful. However the HOWTO is very concise.

    How to Delete an Order:

    1. Using the mouse, click the button called "View Orders".
    2. Using the mouse, highlight the order you wish to delete.
    3. Using the mouse, click the "Delete" key.
    4. A confirmation screen will appear, from this the user must click "OK" if they want to delete, or "Cancel" if they don't wish to delete the order.

    Viewing the Orders


    When the administrator wishes to view the orders from the Sales Routing System database, the button which appears on the top right hand corner of the screen indicating "View Orders" must be clicked once. The administrator can either view all the orders on the system, or choose to view only a particular salespersons orders.

    How to View the Orders:

    1. Using the mouse, click the button called "View Orders".
    2. Using the mouse, select which way you want the list to be sorted.
    3. A list of orders should appear according to the sorting method selected.
    Step 2 is pretty vague, and there is nowhere else in the manual where sorting is covered in more detail. This would be a nice point to expand on. Otherwise excellent.

    In conclusion you did a very good job on the User Manual. We look forward to seeing your product and hope our comments do not cause too many problems for you. Thank you again and congratulations on a great job.

    Additional Help

    Additional assistance can be obtained by calling the dHACs support line at 1-800-SRS-HELP (1-800-777-4357). Our staff will be pleased to help with any questions related to the system operation.


    The following error messages may appear from time to time during operation of the system:

    Error Message An incorrect login name and password has been entered. Please check the login name and password.
    Solution Make sure that the login name and password are correct. Passwords are case-sensitive, login names are not.

    Error Message The confirmation password you typed in does not match your new password.
    Solution Try retying your new password and the confirmation password.

    Error Message The old password you typed in was incorrect.
    Solution Try retyping your old password. Passwords are case-sensitive.

    Error Message Sorry, you cannot use find now, since there are either no records, or no searchable data. Try to select a particular field.
    Solution Try to select a particular field.

    Error Message You have not used the Find command yet, so Sales Routing System does not know what to find again.
    Solution Use the Find command first, then the Find Next command will be available.

    Error Message Unable to find the User ID or Login name. Please check the User ID or Login name entered.
    Solution Enter a valid User ID or Login name.

    Error Message You did not specify a password.
    Solution Enter a new password for the new user in the Password field.

    Error Message Your confirmed password does not match your password.
    Solution Retype the new user's password in the Password field and the Confirm password field. Passwords are case-sensitive.

    Error Message Canadian postal codes must be exactly six characters long, in format A9A-9A9, where A is any letter, and 9 is any digit.
    Solution Make sure the postal code is correct.

    Error Message The phone number must be a full 10 digit phone number including area code.
    Solution Make sure the phone number is correct, and includes an area code.

    Error Message The fax number must be a full 10 digit fax number including area code.
    Solution Make sure the fax number is correct, and includes an area code.

    Error Message The Product's size must be 8.5 x 11, 8.5 x 14, 8.5 x 6.
    Solution Make sure the product size matches one of the predefined sizes.

    Error Message The Unit Size must be less than 1000000.
    Solution Ensure the unit size is less than 1000000.

    Error Message The Price per Unit must be at least $0.00.
    Solution Make sure the price per unit is greater than or equal to $0.00.

    Error Message The Product Number must be exactly 4 digits long.
    Solution Make sure the product number is 4 digits, and only consists of numbers.

    Error Message The Motif Number must be exactly 3 characters.
    Solution Make sure the motif number is 3 characters.

    Error Message Must be Administrator or Salesperson.
    Solution Ensure the user's security level must be either Administrator or Salesperson.

    Appendix B Misc. Screen Dumps

    Sample Report

    Find Dialog

    Exit Dialog