CPSC 451 Customer Group 11

Assignments Page

Last modified January 16, 1997


Our group consists of the following members:
rodneyb: Rod Bainbridge
cheungt: Tammy Cheung
cornickm: Mike Cornick
dechant: Bruce Dechant
fleece: Corey Fleece
jensenj: Eric Jensen
jirasekc: Catherine Jirasek
lapierre: Soleil Lapierre
molina: Alejandro Molina
phamli: Linh Pham
hanif: Hanif Remtulla
wongbe: Ben Wong

Page and subpages maintained by Soleil Lapierre.
Some graphics provided by Alejandro Molina, some by Soleil Lapierre and some swiped from other Web pages (and soon to be replaced).