Overview of the Proposed Data Stores
Following is a list of the data stores (essentially they will become the tables of the database) and the fields inside each of them. Anything with a star beside it will represent a keyfield, or a part of the keyfield.
This will be one of the main data stores containing all personal information about the customer. The following fields are in the data store:
Employees must be able to search the following databases given any of the criteria marked with a
- *confirmation ID: Integer assigned when reservation is made
- first name: string
- last name: string
- street: string
- city: string
- province: string of 2 letters ie: AB for Alberta
- postal code: string
- credit card type: string ie: Mastercard, Visa, Amex
- credit card number: string
- credit card expiry: date tends to be a month/year format
- credit card name: string could be a business credit card
- photo ID: string this tends to be the driver's license number
- arrival date: date this is the projected arrival date
- duration of stay: integer number of days to book essentially
- checkout date: date this is when the customer actually checks out
- *room number: integer the room they are assigned to
- number occupants: integer this is based on per room as someone could book more than one room
- payment method: string cash; credit card; cheque
- discount name: string The name of the discount card or the reason.
- discount percent: real The percent discount on the room.
- employee who booked: (employee ID) integer so we know who booked them in
- employee who signed them in: integer who actually signed them in
- employee who signed them out: intefer who actually signed them out
This data store will use both room number and day as the keyfield so the rooms will be listed in here more than once possibly but the day will make it unique. To check the availability of the room, this can be derived from the customer information for each entry in here.
- *room number: interger
- room type: string deluxe (50); single (50); double (100)
- *day: date this is the day the room is booked
- confirmation ID: interger so we know WHO has the room booked
This data store will be neccessary in order to determine security access levels in particular, as well what department they are a part of.
Read access to the emplyee database should be restricted to managers.
- *employee ID: integer this is the unique identifier
- employee first name: string
- employee last name: string
- employee password: string
- employee type: string management; front desk; accounting; room service
Room Services
Included in this table food orders, phone bills, and wake up calls will be maintained. A unique order number will be issued for each order placed.
- *order ID: integer
- item ID: integer this links the price of item in
- time ordered: time
- date ordered: date
- time to deliver: time
- date to deliver: date
- room number: integer
- employee ID: integer this is to mark who took the order
- comments: string incase there are extra instructions etc.
This is where we actually maintain the item information for all foods, movies, GST, room rates etc.
- *item ID: integer the unique identifier for everything
- name of item: string ie: movie, phone bill
- cost per unit: float
This is the pending invoice information.
Due to the fact that we intend to use a relational data base only
pending invoices are kept in this table. Otherwise, if a fee was
changed in the fees datastore it would change the amounts on paid
invoices. Each invoice is issued a unique invoice number.
If a customer has more than one room booked he will be issued an
invoice for each room.
There should be only one invoice number
per person making reservation per room per stay. There may also be several items listed on the invoice.
- *invoice number: integer unique invoice identifier
- room number: integer
- employee ID: integer the employee who printed invoice
- date when generated: date
- item ID: integer
- date for item on invoice: date
- time for item on invoice: time
- intended payment method: integer how the invoice was paid for