Very nice front desk screen!
The reservation functions allow the front desk staff to keep records
of all reservations. There is the capablity to
add new reservations,
modify resrvations, and
delete reservations. You can
also perform seraches :
search for reservation, and
search for available rooms.
The check in functions allow the front desk staff to
confirm a check in. The staff can
also perform some search functions:
search by reservation, and
search rooms.
The check out functions allow the front desk staff to
confirm a check out. The staff
can also perform a search for guests.
The guest functions allow the front desk staff to perform things
adding a guest, and
updating a guest.
Confimation ID | unique ID number for this reservation |
Guest ID | unique ID number for a specific guest |
Last Name | customer's last name |
First Name | customer's first name |
No. of Occupants | number of occupants that will be staying |
Arrival Date | date which customer arrives at hotel |
Check Out Date | date which customer checks out of hotel |
Booked By | employee ID of empolyee that did booking |
Single Room | number of single rooms reserved |
Double Room | number of double rooms reserved |
Delux Room | number of deluxe rooms reserved |
Available Functions:
*NOTE: At this point you can add, modify, or delete a guest. Simply
click on the 'ADD' (guest) button and then follow the steps in
guest functions below.
Add a New Reservation:
When adding a new reservation
it would be more convient if the system could supply a
confirmation ID, instead of the staff having to enter it manually.
There is no clear way to assign a specific room to a customer.
Modify reservation:
Delete reservation:
Search rooms:
Search reservation:
Check In Screen and Functions:
Confimation ID unique ID number for this reservation
Guest ID unique ID number for a specific guest
Last Name customer's last name
First Name customer's first name
No. of Occupants number of occupants that will be staying
Arrival Date date which customer arrives at hotel
Check Out Date date which customer checks out of hotel
Booked By employee ID of empolyee that did booking
SG Room number of single rooms reserved
DB Room number of double rooms reserved
DL Room number of deluxe rooms reserved
Available Functions:
Search reservation:
Search rooms:
Confirm check in:
Check Out Screen and Functions:
Guest ID unique ID number for a specific guest
Last Name customer's last name
First Name customer's first name
Check In Date date which customer checks in
Check Out Date date which customer checks out
Food Charge total charge of food for customer
Phone Charge total charge for phone calls for customer
Movie Rental total charge for movie rental for customer
Misc. Charges total misc. charge for customer
Method of Payment payment type (credit card/check/cash)
Check Out by employee ID of employee that did check out
On the Check out screen shot you have neglected to supply a time along with the date.
Available Functions:
Search guest:
Confirm check out:
Guest Screen and Functions:
Guest ID unique ID number for a specific guest
Last Name customer's last name
First Name customer's first name
Address home address of customer
City home city of customer
Prov./State province/state where customer lives
Country country where customer lives
Phone number home phone number of customer
Credit Card number number appearing on credit card
Expiry Date expiry date of credit card
Credit Card Type type of credit card
Name in CC name appearing on credit card
Photo ID type of photo ID given by customer
Discount type of discount for customer
Discount % percentage of discount for customer
On the Guest Information screen it is unclear what is meant by
the Discount field.
Available Functions: