In general, the room service portion of the user manual
is well-written and complete.
Orders function | When the guestes take a order, this function will record when the oder is made and when is the delivery time. Also, it will record the coorresponding room number for the quest and reponsible by which employee. You are able to perform the following functions: add an order, delete an order, and modify an order. | Search function | Search for information corresponding with the specific room number. The keys for the search function are the room number and date. Return the food orders, movies order and wake up calls for that specific room. You can perform a search on a service order. |
Room Number | The number of the room in which the guest resides. |
Date Order | This is the date at which the order was entered. This is automatically filled. |
Time Order | This is the time at which the order was entered. This is automatically filled. |
Date Deliver | The date at which the user requires delivery of the serivce. |
Time Deliver | The time at which the user requires delivery of the service. |
Item Number | The name and ID of the service which the customer has requrested. |
Number of Item | The Quantity of an item that the user requested. |
Comments | Any additional comments or instructions regarding the order. |
Employee ID | The users employee id. This field is filled in automatically. |
Item number does not appear on the screen shot-
is that what 'Item' is?
Available funtions:
Add a Service Order:
The add function allows you to add a service order in the database.
The service order can only be made one by one. The user can't make more than
one service order at a time.If the user want to make two orders, the user has
added twice for that.
Delete a Service Order:
The delete function allows you to delete a service order in the database.
For example the guest want to cancel a food order at 8:00am tomorrow morning.
Then the user can search the order uses the serach function. Once the service
order has been found, the user just hit the Delete buttom; the service order
will be deleted from the data base.
Modify a Service Order:
The modify function allow you to modify a service order in the database.
Indeed, the modify function can only be used after the search function, because
a service order can only be modified once the record exist in the data base.
Once, the modification is made just hit the modify button is done.