DATE: JAN. 16, 1997


	Our staff is seeking a software system which will aid us in managing 
our hospital.  The system will be used to help monitor and distribute the 
total resources within our hospital.  This would allow us to use our resources 
in the most efficient manner.  The system must be capable of keeping track 
of three basic components i)staff information, ii)patient information and 
iii)hospital resources.  More specifically, these would include things like 
staff (doctor and nurse) operating schdules, patient waiting lists, 
availability of beds etc.  (These, along with other requirements are discussed 
in further detail below)

	The following are detailed specifications for a system to be designed 
to manage our hospital system.  Included is the information to be kept by the 
system as well as the functions to be available to the user.


(1) Patients	-unique ID number

		-personal data		-name
					-phone #

		-medical data		-patient #
					-insurance #
					-family doctor

		-medical status		-priority #
					-current medical status
					-patient status
					-room #, if applicable

		-cumative total cost of medical procedures

(2) Doctors	-unique ID number

		-personal data		-name
					-phone number(s)

		-list of current patients

		-list of past patients

		-on-call schedule

		-operation schedule

(3) Nurses	-unique ID number	
		-personal data		-name
					-phone #



		-work/operating schedule

		-on-call schedule

(4) Wards	-operation rooms

		-rooms			-occupied/not occupied
					-type of room (single/double/...)

		-nurses (list)


(5) Operating Rooms
		-schedule (for doctors, nurses, patients)


		-location (floor #, Room #)


(1)	Add/Delete/Modify info on:
		-type of operations

(2)	Automatic Schedules
		-the system will automatically schedule a patient with
		operation appointment based a treatment priority
		-ability to change waiting factor
		(balance between time waiting for 
		 operation and priority)
		-emergency scheduling ability 
		(overriding capability)

(3)	Search Capabilities
		-Although ID numbers are used to distinguish 
                 patients/doctors/nurses, in reality we do address them by name
                 as well.  Thus, given a name (of a patient/doctor/nurse) the
                 system should be able to search the database and come up with
	         the corresponding ID(s).
		-if a personal ID number of a patient is entered,
		access to personal information, medical information 
		and history, location, and schedule should be accessible. 
	        (Note:  it should be able to "know" what doctor(s) is 
		responsible for her too.)

		-if a personal ID number of a nurse or doctor is entered,
		access to personal information, ward, schedule, list of
                patients and specialty should be given.
		-list of all the patients in a particular ward, or room.
		-list of status of rooms based on a particular or all 

(4)	Security of Patient Information	
		-user id/password ability

(5)	Some mechanism to backup data because the hospital can't afford to have
        their system down for an extensive period.

(6)	Reports	
		-timetables request daily/weekly/monthly for:
							-operating rms
		-beds available by ward
		-bed/patient status
		-doctor status

		-patient status

		-bill status

(7)	Statistics on Usage Status

(8)	Form Letters to Inform Patients of upcoming operations/
	appointments set up so that ID number, name, operation, and
	date will be entered by user.

(9)	System to issue unique ID numbers for: 		-doctors

(10)	Tally of cost per patient for insurance purposes.