Print Boarding Pass


This form will be used for issuing passengers their boarding pass's. It will also call the "Select Seat" subform to provide this data on the boarding pass.

Screen Layout


Entering text in the Search Criteria fields will execute a search for the passengers known flight bookings. Selecting a flights will cause available seats to be displayed in the seating list. S seat must be assigned by selecting an available seat from the seating list. Clicking on Print will print the boarding pass and close the form. Clicking on Cancel will close the form without doing any changes to the TABLE.

Dairy Air comments and questions are in blue emphasis

We would prefer that the "Print!" button not close the form. A separate button (e.g., labelled "Done") to close the form is requested. When this form is being used by our check-in agents, it will be time consuming (and annoying) to have the working form close (and then have to reopen it) every time they print a boarding pass!

It is also not clear how a seat assignment can be edited. For example after a boarding pass has been issued and while seats are still available to be assigned, an agent could reassign seating at a passenger's request.

Error Handling

If no passenger is found the user will be advised. If there are no seats left on the flight the user will be advised and the passenger must be rebooked.

Forms Called by the Boarding Pass form

Security Settings

Group Name Can Access?
Systems Admin


Plane Admin


Flight Admin


Booking Agents


Data Requirements

Ticket Table

Flight Table

Route Table

Seat Table