#1: All passwords should be set by the agent and those passwords should be viewable by the head administrator. The head administrator should be able to assign someone as another administrator.
Response : Thank you for clarifying this. It will be implemented so that the individual agent and the administrator can change the agents password. Plus, the administrator will be able to give administrative access to another agent.
#2: After a search with multiple listings found, there should be a way to navigate through these several files. For example, Realtor Bob can choose to see previous listing, next listing, top-of-list and end-of-list.
Response : The sample screen shots included in the Overall Design Document should clear this up. On the top half of the form the list of listings that was returned from a search will be displayed and the bottom half of the form will display the information available on the highlighted listing.
#3: Should call it "Print Report" button. "Report" button might not be concise.
Response :To make this more clear, a picture of a printer is included in the button. Please look at the screeen shots and let us know if you think this is not clear enough and we will look into other options.
#4: good ideas and clarification of for this feature.
Response :I believe this was meant as a positive comment. However, if there was something that needed clarifying please mail me at martind@cpsc.ucalgary.ca
#5: Some bare minimums would be be nice for a listing addition: * eg. address * size, sq. ft * price * # of bed rooms * garage * # of bathrooms bathroom * garage? * type of listing? These bare minimums should be required for a listing to be added so that a listing with 3 bathrooms and thats all does not show up, some of our agents may be idiots
Response :No problem.
#6: We would like to see some implementation of user assistance in creating new listing information. For example, the user should be notified, or blocked from enter a non existant agent ID. Also, some default information can be set to be brought up on addtions. For example, the area code for phone numbers may start as (403)- to reduce the number of entries.
Response : Both of these will be included in the program. However, Help for entering new listings may be an enhancement to be added after the main program is delivered.
#7: Basic Print Report should be allowed in the Browse section and not only in the Agent Administration section What does it mean when Bob "...wants to update his records at home." and he just prints the report using the Report button? (Emphasis on "prints")
Response :There is a print out available from the Browse section. The scenario was just meant to show that a more detailed report can be printed for bookeeping or administrative purposes. If this is still not clear please let me know at the e-mail address above.
#8: Maybe all Administrator's Agent delete should have invoke a hard copy print of the agent, for security and other (government, employment) purposes.
Response :The deleted agent is moved to a file called .Deleted (or something like that) so that the information is still available to the administrator. We have not implemented a print out of this but perhaps that can be an enhancement to add at a later date.
#9: Deletions of any agent should not be permanent. Unreal Estate may need past histories on inactive agents. They should be flagged to be deleted from the system, in a manner similiar to the methods for deletion of listings. Also agents should not be allowed to be deleted if they are selling agents for active listings.
Response : The first question should be answered by the previous response. For the second question, when an agent is deleted that has listings under their name, the listing will put under the administrators name. At this point the administrator can "give"the listing to the agent they wish.
#10: But what if the agent is no longer part of the company? Who controls the listings then? Maybe control should go a designated agent, whereby that agent must see all the customers. and ask if they still want a listing under a different agent. So the listing is added to another agent.
Response :Previous response.
#11: Export as a way of tranfering data back and forth between offices is one thing, but the agency controls the listings, not the agents. If an agent leaves, they are gone, and the clients are given to another agent, unless the client insists on staying with that agent. Listings are property of the company, or agnecy that is selling them, not the agent handling it.
Response :It was not intended to export the listing in the sense that the listing would no longer be under the control of Unreal Estate. Instead, it was intended for the purpose of displaying listings from other companies for your agents to show clients and for your listings to be displayed on other companies systems.
#12: Unreal Estate is please to see your initiative in creating a tutorial. This will be a valualbe tool in helping us integrate new users to the system. It would be sufficient to have the tutorial aimed at the browsing functions for new users. They may go through a sample session of searching through the system using a simple example.
Response :Thank you for clarifying this.
Section: Comments for Hardware and Software Requirements For the design and implementation of of UECS, please assume that we have three systems configured that meets the minimal requirements. Also, we have hardware in each office that comply with your optional recommendations: * one PCL compatable laser Printer * one colour flat bed scanner, capable of 24 million colors, 1200 dpi * one 3.2 Gb quarter-inch tape backup drive
Response :That will definitely augment your system.
Even a simple query function would be nice at testing time this is the ulitimate goal is to do everything through complex query, that could narrow listing down to some of the perfect houses to look at for our clients. i realize this can not all be implemented now.
Response :That is our minimum goal. In fact, the development team has reported to us that the whole system (excluding perhaps the tutorial and some of the help sections) will be complete for the due date.
IMPORTANT: ***what happens when an agent is deleted but had listing under his/her control? It's a good idea to be able to delete an agent.***
Response :This question has already been dealt with above.
Positive Comments Excellent examples it clarifed things and helped us to understand what exactly you meant. The supplier's method of expressing their ideas in the User Interactions was very easy to understand because they provided situations where someone would use a certain function. This is very thought full of them to consider that we, as the computer illiterate, could understand the system they are offering.
Response :Your raise is appreciated. Some of our group spent a lot of time preparing the document in question.
Customer Conclusion to initial design document: * Unreal Estate Inc. confirms your go-ahead for further design, leading to implementation of the Unreal Estate Catalogue System. * This proposal adequately satisfies our requirements for the new system. We also welcome the useful additions to the functionality of the system in this initial design.
Response :Once the Overall Design Document has been approved we will immediately begin more detailed design and then production of the Unreal Estate Catalogue System.
#1: What, exactly is 'a matter of seconds'? Half a second is fine. Ten seconds is pushing it too far, I think.
Response :With the hardware you have specified, this should not be a problem. However, a number of factors will affect the speed of operation. For example, the size of the database(ie. number of listings contained therein.
#2: Excellent feature to network the offices and the quick access will be nice.Response :Thank you
#3: It doesn't matter for this project?
Response :Okay. But we were just trying to anticipate Unreal Estates future growth.
#4: Possible password encoding, how will passwords be inplemented and be made secure?
Response :The passwords will be encrypted in the database. For more information, refer to the Database Design section of the Overall Design Document.
#5: Section: Comments for Hardware and Software Requirements for the server: * p133 or better * 32mb ram * 3.6 gig hard drive For the design and implementation of of UECS, please assume that we have three systems configured that meets the minimal requirements. Also, we have hardware in each office that comply with your optional recommendations: * one PCL compatable laser Printer * one colour flat bed scanner, capable of 24 million colors, 1200 dpi * one 3.2 Gb quarter-inch tape backup drive
Response :The hardware you have list here will augment system operations.
A couple of things that need to be clarified: * 1. Definition of total rooms in the Managment Plan Table 1. Listings * 2. What is the City area (Quadrant a related file ??) Why is this simply not a pop-up menu that can be modified by us ??Response :The total rooms will just return a number for the number of bedrooms. A city area is the subdivision name designated by the city. For example, "Marlborough" or "Edgemont"