The purpose of this form is to allow the administrator to do the following:
Sample Screen Shots
Agent Steve wants to import some data from a fellow Realtor. After clicking on the `System' button from the administration listing form he tries to click on the `Import' button. Since Steve is only an agent the button is grayed out and does not allow Steve to click on it. Steve clicks on the `Help' button and discovers that the `Import' button is for administrators only. Steve decides to ask his boss to import the data for him.
There are buttons for all of the items listed above along with a `Help', `Cancel', and close window button. An agent can only click on the `Edit Personal Info' button. The administrator will be allowed to click on all of the buttons.
If the user clicks the `Cancel' or close window button they are returned to the administration listing form. If the user clicks on the `Help' button they are presented with help on what actions are allowable from this particular form. If the user clicks on any of the other buttons they are presented with the appropriate form corresponding to what button they clicked on.
In order to get to this form the user must have clicked on the `System' button on the administration listing form.
Post Conditions:
If the `Cancel' button or close window button is clicked the user is returned to the administration listing form. If the `Help' button is clicked then the user is presented with a help form. Finally, if the user clicked on any of the other buttons they are presented with the form corresponding to the button they clicked on.
Error Handling:
Buttons will only be accessible to the appropriate agent type. An agent only has access to the `Edit Personal Info' button, the `Help' button and the `Cancel' button. An administrator has access to all the buttons.
Called By:
This form is called from the administration listing form's `System' button.
The purpose of this form is to allow the administrator or agent to edit all of their own personal information. An administrator will be allowed to change their agent type (ie: Administrator or Agent). An agent will not be allowed to change their agent type.
Bob the administrator wishes to change his password. So he clicks on the `System' button from the main administration listing form to get to the System Options. Here he clicks on the `Edit Personal Info' button. When the form appears he clicks on the `User Password' field to select it and types in his new password. He then clicks the `OK' button. The program informs him that he needs to confirm his new password. Bob clicks on the `Confirm Password' field and enters his new password. Finally, Bob clicks on the `OK' button and the form closes and returns him to the System Options form with his password changed.
The administrator/agent must type in the following fields: Agent Name, User Name, User Password, and Confirm Password. The remaining fields are optional. There are `OK', `Cancel', `Help', and close window buttons.
Nothing changes if the user clicks the `Cancel' button or closes the form with the close window button. If the user clicks on the `Help' button they are presented with help on what actions are allowable from this particular form. The changes to the personal agent information are validated when the `OK' button is clicked. If everything is valid then the changes are posted to the database, otherwise the user is informed of what field needs to be corrected.
In order to use this function the user will have had to click on the `Edit Personal Info' button on the System Options form.
Post conditions:
If the `Cancel' button or close window button was clicked, no changes will be made. If the `OK' button was clicked and all fields were valid then the changes will be posted to the database. If the `Help' button is clicked then the user is presented with a help form. If either the `OK', `Cancel', or close window button is clicked the user is returned to the System Options form.
Error Handling:
If a required field is not entered when the user clicks the `OK' button the user is informed that they need to fill in the required field. Fields are validated before they are posted.
Called By:
This form is called by the `Edit Personal Info' button on the System Options form.
Note: Agent refers to an administrator or an agent type. The administrator has the ability to edit any information in an agent's record. The administrator can edit an agent's record, add a new agent, delete an existing agent, print out an agent report, or search for a specific agent.
Sample Screen Shot:
After getting access to this form, the administrator will see a list of agents with their Agent ID#, USERNAME, PHONE #, etc. If there are more agents than the form can show, the user can use the scroll bar on the right to click on the `up' or `down' arrow, or drag the middle box on the bar down to the desired agent. Once the agent is found, clicking on any part of that agent record will highlight that record. From here the administrator can edit any personal information on an agent by clicking on the `Edit' button or the administrator can delete that agent from the system database (ie. Marking the agent as deleted) by clicking on the `Delete' Button. The administrator may also add a new agent by clicking on the `Add' button, print out an agent report by clicking on the `Report' button or search for a specific agent by clicking on the `Search' button. If the user is not familiar with this form, he/she can get more information by clicking on the `Help' button.
Once the administrator is in this form, he/she can click on the `Edit', 'Add', 'Delete' ,'Reports' `Search' and `Help' button to do the respective functions.
Clicking any of the above mentioned buttons will take you to appropriate function's form, if applicable.
The user must be an administrator.
Post condition:
Depending on what button was clicked, it will go to that form.
Error Handling:
You can only edit or delete an agent record that is selected.
Called by:
Systems Options
The purpose of this form is to allow the administrator to edit any agent's information.
Bob the administrator wishes to change Steve's password. So he clicks on the `System' button from the main administration listing form to get to the System Options. Here he clicks on the `Edit Agents' button. When the form appears he clicks Steve's record. Bob then clicks on the `Edit' button. After the edit agent information form appears, Bob selects the `User Password' field to select it and types in Steve's new password. He then clicks the `OK' button. The program informs him that he needs to confirm Steve's new password. Bob clicks on the `Confirm Password' field and enters Steve's new password. Finally, Bob clicks on the `OK' button and the form closes and returns him to the Edit Agents form with Steve's password changed.
The administrator must type in the following fields: Agent Name, User Name, User Password, and Confirm Password. The remaining fields are optional. There are `OK', `Cancel', `Help', and close window buttons.
Nothing changes if the user clicks the `Cancel' button or closes the form with the close window button. If the user clicks on the `Help' button they are presented with help on what actions are allowable from this particular form. The changes to the personal agent information are validated when the `OK' button is clicked. If everything is valid then the changes are posted to the database, otherwise the user is informed of what field needs to be corrected.
In order to use this function the user must be an administrator and will have had to click on the `Edit' button on the Edit Agents form.
Post conditions:
If the `Cancel' button or close window button was clicked, no changes will be made. If the `OK' button was clicked and all fields were valid then the changes will be posted to the database. If the `Help' button is clicked then the user is presented with a help form. If either the `OK', `Cancel', or close window button is clicked the user is returned to the Edit Agents form.
Error Handling:
If a required field is not entered when the user clicks the `OK' button the user is informed that they need to fill in the required field. Fields are validated before they are posted.
Called By:
This form is called by the `Edit' button on the Edit Agents form.
The `Add' button allows an administrator to a add a new agent to the database. Basically, this is the same as the `Edit' agent function except that a blank form is brought up.
Once in this form, the administrator will get a blank Agent Information Record which he/she can fill out. When all of the required agent information is filled out and the `OK' button is clicked, the new information is validated and if all is okay the new agent record is saved and the agent is added to the system database. Clicking the `Cancel' or close window button will allow the administrator to go back to the former menu without adding the agent to the database.
The agent information is added by clicking on the field and typing in the data. Valid Inputs are: Same as that of `Edit Agent'.
Once all the required fields are filled out in this form, and the `OK' button is clicked, the fields are validated and if okay the new agent record is saved to the database.
Only an administrator can add a new agent. The agent record will contain, as a minimum, the required fields. The optional fields can be added later.
Post condition:
Once the record is filled out and the `OK' button is clicked, the fields are validated and if okay the new record is added to the system database. Otherwise, the user is informed of what field(s) need to be corrected.
Error handling:
The system will check if the field entries are valid.
Called By:
This form is called by clicking on the `Add' button on the Edit Agents form.
The delete agent function allows an administrator to remove an agent from the database by marking it as deleted. Note: It is not permanently removed from the database here.
From the Edit Agents form the administrator may click on the agent that he/she wants deleted from the database. The system will request confirmation from the administrator and if confirmed the agent's record is marked as deleted in the database.
The desired agent is chosen from the agent listings and the `Delete' button is clicked to mark the agent as deleted from the database.
A confirmation of the deletion of the agent is given.
Only an Administrator may delete an agent
Post condition:
After deletion is confirmed by an administrator the agent is marked as deleted in the database if the agent has no active listings. If the agent to be marked as deleted has any listing still active the deletion is not allowed and the administrator is informed that the agent has active listings.
Error handling:
Confirmation of deletion is given so an administrator can't accidentally delete an agent.
Called By:
This form is called by clicking on the `Delete' button on the Edit Agents form.
The administrator can generate a formatted report on all agents in the system. There will be two types of reports. One will be a detailed report that contains all information on a single agent. The other will be a summary of basic information ( name, phone number, address, etc) of all agents.
Clicking on the `Reports' button will take the administrator to the Print Reports form. From here the administrator has the option of printing out a detailed report on a agent, which contains all the information on an Agent, or a summary report of all agents. Once the selection is made clicking the `Print' button on the Print Reports form will print the selected report.
The administrator can select either the agent `Detail' report or the `Summary' of all agents report. The administrator can click the `Cancel' button or close window button to cancel the reports action and return to the Edit Agents form. If the administrator needs help on what the buttons do he/she can click on the `Help' button.
A formatted report (Summary or Detailed).
The user is an administrator.
Post condition:
No changes are made to the database. The appropriate report is printed if selected. You are returned to the Edit Agents form.
Error handling:
A report can only be printed for a selected agent or for agents that are in the database.
Called By:
This form is called by clicking on the `Reports' button on the Edit Agents form.
The administrator can search for a specific agent by typing in the agents name in the empty field and the system will attempt to find it.
Once in the `Agent Search' form, the administrator can type in the agents name in the `Agent Name' field and click on the `Do Search' button to search for the agent. If found, it will display the agent information and if not found it will inform the user it could not find the desired agent. Clicking the `Display All' button will show all agents in the system database. Clicking the `Cancel' button or the close window button will cancel the search. Clicking the `Help' button will explain what you can do on this form.
The administrator will input an agent name that he/she is looking for.
If found the system will display the agent information or if `Display All' was clicked then all agent record will be shown. If no agent is found the user will be shown a message indicating no agent(s) found.
The user must be an administrator.
Post Condition:
No changes are made to the database. The appropriate results of the search action are displayed.
Error handling:
If the agent is not found then the user is shown a message.
Called by:
This form is called by clicking on the `Search' button on the Edit Agents form.
Allows the administrator to add or change a particular area of the city. As the city expands and new communities develop, this will allow you to add those new areas to the database.
Only an Administrator can use this function. A form with all the current areas in the database appears. The user may scroll through the listing of areas, either by clicking with the mouse or using the arrow keys. A user may highlight a selected area and then choose to `Edit' it or `Delete' it. If a user wants to add a new area they can select `Add'. Upon selection of either `Edit' or `Add' the user will be given the Edit City Area form. Upon selection of the `Delete' button the user will be prompted for confirmation on deleting the selected area from the database.
Input is provided through the keyboard or the mouse. The user can scroll through the available areas, click on the `Edit', `Add', `Delete' or `Help' buttons.
If the user clicks on the `Delete' button the system asks for confirmation of the deletion of the selected area. If the user clicks on the `Help' button they are given appropriate help. The close window button will return the user to the System Options form.
To get to this form the user must be an administrator.
Post conditions:
Depending on what button you click on new areas can be added, areas can be deleted or edited or no changes could be done in the database.
Error handling:
You can only edit or delete an area that exists in the database. You cannot add an area that already exists in the database.
Called by:
This form is called by clicking on the `Edit City Area' button on the System Options form.
This form allows the administrator to edit or add a particular area of the city.
There are two entry fields on this form. Area Name and Quadrant. Area Name pertains to the name of this particular Area (ie. Oakridge or Dalhousie etc.), it is a text field and can be edited by clicking on it with the left mouse button and using conventional text editing. Quadrant Name is in which part of the city does this area exist, such as N.W. or S.E. etc. Selecting the pull down arrow will give a list of the available quadrants and then you can select one with the mouse. The only difference between editing and adding a new city area is that you edit the selected area and when you add an area it brings up a blank version of this form.
Input is provided through the keyboard or the mouse. There are `Okay', `Help', `Cancel', and close window buttons.
The edited area changes the selected area information in the database. The add area adds a new area to the database. The `Help' button displays appropriate help. The `Cancel' or close window button returns you to the Edit City Areas form.
To get to this form the user is a administrator.
Post conditions:
The appropriate action is done depending on what button the user clicked on.
Error handling:
If the area added is the same as an area that already exists in the database then the area is prevented from being added. This also applies if the edited name is changed to one that already exists.
Called by:
This form is called by clicking on the `Edit' button on the Edit City Areas form. By clicking on the `Edit' button you will get the Edit City Area form with the particular area that was highlighted in the Edit City Areas form.
This form is called by clicking on the `Add' button on the Edit City Areas form. By clicking on the `Add' button you will get a blank Edit City Area form, where you are able to enter information for a new city area.
This form allows the administrator to either remove a previously deleted agent from the system permanently or Undelete the selected agent and return the information to the active database.
A form opens with the list of deleted agents. The user may select a particular agent by either scrolling up/down with the arrow keys, or using the mouse to click on the listing. Once an agent is selected the user may select `Undelete' or `Remove'. If remove is selected the user will be prompted for confirmation of agent removal. There are also options to get `Help'.
Input :
Input is provided through the keyboard or the mouse. To begin the user selects the agent and then chooses whether to remove it from the system permanently or Undelete it. The user can click the `Help' button to get help. The user can also cancel this action by clicking the close window button.
If the user clicks the `Help' button they are shown appropriate help. Clicking the close window button returns the user to the System Options form. Clicking the `Undelete' button marks the selected agent as no longer being deleted. Clicking the `Remove' button will ask for confirmation of the agent removal and if confirmed the agent will be permanently removed from the database.
To get to this form the user is a administrator.
Post conditions:
The appropriate action is taken depending on which button was clicked on.
Error handling:
Only a deleted agent can be undeleted or removed.
Called by:
This form is called by clicking on the `Edit Deleted Agents' button on the System Options form.
This form allows the administrator to either remove a previously deleted lisiting from the system permanently or Undelete the selected listing and return the information to the active database.
A form opens with the list of deleted listings. The user may select a particular listing by either scrolling up/down with the arrow keys, or using the mouse to click on the listing. Once a listing is selected the user may select `Undelete' or `Remove'. If remove is selected the user will be prompted for confirmation of listing removal. There are also options to get `Help'.
Input :
Input is provided through the keyboard or the mouse. To begin the user selects the listing and then chooses whether to remove it from the system permanently or Undelete it. The user can click the `Help' button to get help. The user can also cancel this action by clicking the close window button.
If the user clicks the `Help' button they are shown appropriate help. Clicking the close window button returns the user to the System Options form. Clicking the `Undelete' button marks the selected listing as no longer being deleted. Clicking the `Remove' button will ask for confirmation of the listing removal and if confirmed the listing will be permanently removed from the database.
To get to this form the user is a administrator.
Post conditions:
The appropriate action is taken depending on which button was clicked on.
Error handling:
Only a deleted listing can be undeleted or removed.
Called by:
This form is called by clicking on the `Edit Deleted Listings' button on the System Options form.
The Edit Renew Listings form gives the administrator the ability to bring a listing that has fallen into an inactive status due to the amount of time the listing has been in an agents account. The amount of time a listing is active is part of any listings vital information. Once this amount of time has expired the listing is automatically marked as out of date and removed from the account of the Realtor. The administrator can then renew the listing to the agent in the company that has the original listing or delete the listing from active service.
Beth clicks the `Edit Renew Listings` button on the System Options form. This brings up the Edit Renew Listings form. Beth chooses an old listing that is to become reactive for a new listing period and clicks the `Renew' button. The Renew Listing form appears asking for a new expiry date for the listing. Once a valid date is entered the form returns to the Edit Renew Listings form and the renewed listing is now active and no longer displayed on this form. Beth decides that a listing is not to be reactivated, but deleted until a later date. She highlights the listing to delete and clicks the `Delete' button. The listing is now marked as deleted from the list of active listings.
There are four things an administrator may do as Input to the Edit Renew Listings form: a)Clicking the `Renew' button will renew the highlighted, inactive listing in the box of listings. b)Clicking the `Delete' button will delete the inactive listing. The highlighted, inactive listing in the box of listings is the listing deleted. c)Clicking the `Help' button will give the user all pertinent help for the Edit Renew Listing form. d)Clicking the close window button in the top, right corner of the form will close the Edit Renew Listings form.
An administrator that clicks the close window button will be returned to the System Options form. Clicking on the `Help' button will bring up the help form for the Edit Renew Listings form. Clicking the `Delete' button brings up no dialogue, all the administrator sees is the currently selected listing in the display area disappear. This listing has been deleted from active service and marked as deleted. Clicking on the `Renew' button will bring up the Renew Listing form.
To get to this form, the administrator (only) must have clicked the `Edit Renew Listings' button on the System Options form.
Post conditions:
Clicking the close window button will return the administrator to the System Options form, ending the Renewal session. Clicking the `Renew' button will take the administrator to the Renew Listing form.
Error Handling:
An administrator has access to all buttons listings in the listing display box. Only listings that have expired will appear here, and thus, the rest of the database is secure.
Called By:
This form is called by the System Options form.
The Renew Listings form gives the administrator the ability to give a listing that has fallen into an inactive status a new expiry date. The administrator can then renew the listing to the agent in the company that has the original listing.
Beth clicks the `Renew' button on the Edit Renew Listings form. This brings up the Renew Listing form. The highlighted listing from the Edit Renew Listings form is now to be given a new expiry date. Once the administrator has typed a valid date (Valid and after the current date) she clicks the 'OK' button to update the database and to return to the Edit Renew Listings form.
There are four things an administrator may do as Input to the Renew Listings form: a)Typing a date in the expiry date field. b)Clicking the 'OK' button will validate the expiry date and if okay, update the database. Otherwise, the user is informed that the expiry date is invalid and needs to be corrected. c)Clicking the `Help' button will give the user all pertinent help for the Renew Listing form. d)Clicking the 'Cancel' or close window button will close the Renew Listing form.
An administrator that clicks the `Cancel' or close window button will be returned to the Edit Renewal Listings form. Clicking on the `Help' button will bring up the help form for the Renew Listing form. Clicking on the 'OK' button will validate the expiry date and if okay will bring the selected listing back into active use with the new expiry date. If the expiry date is invalid then the user is informed that it needs to be corrected before the listing can be made active.
To get to this form, the administrator (only) must have clicked the `Renew' button on the Edit Renew Listings form.
Post conditions:
This form will always return you to Edit Renew Listings form. The selected listing is renewed if valid.
Error Handling:
An administrator has access to all buttons. Clicking the 'OK' button will either change the expiry date of the selected listing in the database or will inform the user that an invalid date has been entered and needs to be corrected before the selected listing can be made active.
Called By:
This form is only called from the Edit Renew Listings form.
The administrator can import multiple listings for an agent. This will allow a new agent's listings or listings from another company to be added quickly to the database.
Beth clicks the `Import' button on the System Options form. This brings up the Import Listings form. Beth chooses an agent from the pull-down menu. She then chooses the `Browse' button to get the file that the new listings are stored in. The 'OK' button will set the listings in the file to the agent chosen or the 'Cancel' button will stop the import action. Both buttons will return the administrator to the System Options form. The `Help' button will give the appropriate help.
There are five things an administrator may do as Input to the Import Listings form: a)Any agent or administrator in the company may be chosen to receive the imported listings. b)Clicking the 'OK' button will update the database and place the imported listings under the chosen agent. c)Typing in the filename will set the filename entered as the file to import. d)Clicking the `Browse' button will give the user the ability to search for the file on the computer using a standard windows Open File Dialog. e)Clicking the `Cancel' or close window button will return the user to the System Options form.
An administrator that clicks the `Cancel' or close window button will be returned to the System Options form. Clicking on the `Help' button will bring up the help form for the Import Data form. Clicking on the 'OK' button will import the data into the database under the selected agent.
To get to this form, the administrator (only) must have clicked the `Import' button on the System Options form.
Post conditions:
This form will always return you to System Options form.
Error Handling:
An administrator has access to all buttons. Clicking the 'OK' button will either open the file in the filename field or will let the user know there is no file to open. Only agents/administrators in the database will be shown in the agent drop down combo box. Only a valid filename will be opened and if an error occurred the user will be informed.
Called By:
This form is always called by the System Options form.
The administrator can export multiple listings for an agent. This will allow an agent's listings to be exported or backed up quickly from the database.
Beth clicks the `Export' button on the System Options form. This brings up the Export Listings form. Beth chooses an agent from the pull-down menu. She then chooses the `Browse' button to get the file that the listings are to be stored in. The 'OK' button will save the listings to the file of the agent chosen or the 'Cancel' button will stop the export action. Both buttons will return the administrator to the System Options form. The `Help' button will give the appropriate help.
There are five things an administrator may do as Input to the Export Listings form: a)Any agent or administrator in the company may be chosen to have their listings exported. b)Clicking the 'OK' button will store the selected agents listings in the designated file. c)Typing in the filename will set the filename entered as the file to export to. d)Clicking the `Browse' button will give the user the ability to set the location for the export file on the computer using a standard windows Open File Dialog. e)Clicking the `Cancel' or close window button will return the user to the System Options form.
An administrator that clicks the `Cancel' or close window button will be returned to the System Options form. Clicking on the `Help' button will bring up the help form for the Export Data form. Clicking on the 'OK' button will export the data from the database under the selected agent to the designated file.
To get to this form, the administrator (only) must have clicked the `Export' button on the System Options form.
Post conditions:
This form will always return you to System Options form.
Error Handling:
An administrator has access to all buttons. Clicking the 'OK' button will either save the file in the filename field or will let the user know there is no file to save. Only agents/administrators in the database will be shown in the agent drop down combo box. Only a valid filename will be saved and if an error occurred the user will be informed.
Called By:
This form is always called by the System Options form.