Head Office Interface and Data Module Specifications
The head office system will enable remote safety checks, control of the station, and report viewing. Each user of the system will have a password and an associated level of access, and will be required to log in before using the system, so that the information contained in the system is not abused. Each process, when initiated, will start a counter which will automatically log the user out after a long period of inactivity.
The following Data Flow Diagrams illustrate the hierarchy of menus and processes, as well as the travel of data between individual processes and the database:
The login will ensure that only authorized users have access to the system. The user will be prompted for their user ID, and their password, on a screen similar to the one below. Based on this information, the system will grant or deny access to one of three subsystems:
Process Description:
The login session is used to verify if the user has the authorization to access the system. The screen will show the Petro 451 Logo, as well as fields for the input of the ID and the password. Once these are input, the ID and the password are sent to the database for verification. If found not to match and no database entry is found, an error message is displayed breifly and the login screen is redisplayed.
If the ID and the password match the information in the database, the level of access for the user will be retreived and, depending on this, the appropriate menu will be activated. Each type of user will be resticted only to the activities authorized by their access level.
The main menu screen will be similar to the following:
Process: Display the Main Menu screen
The system operations submenu screen will be similar to the following:
Process: Display the Station Operation Submenu screen
The reports submenu screen will be similar to the following:
Process: Display the Reports Submenu screen
Process: Display short descrition for each choice of main menu
Process: Close all databases and logout.
Menu selection by clicking the mouse pointer on the desired choice.
A menu is displayed to choose from the following choices:
1) Transaction Report and Backups
2) Statistics Report
3) Monthy Summaries
4) Delivery Report
5) Card Status Report
6) Change Reporting Periods
7) Help
8) Main Menu
Error Conditions:
a) none
Start Date or Report ID. The user has the option to print out the report.
It will display the corresponding report with Report ID, Start Date, Start Time, Stop Date, Stop Time, GST, PST and the Transactions themselves.
Error Conditions:
a) Syntactically incorrect inputs in which the system will notify the user and repromt for input.
b) Start Date or Report ID is out of range or not found in database.
To print it or not
It will display in a table format the current station's statistics. Which includes the Pump Number, Pump Status, Fuel Types, Fuel Price and amount sold for each pump
Error Conditions: none
Enter the month to be displayed. The user has the option to print out the report
The will display the transactions for the month, totals, GST and PSTs. Also the summary of the statistics for the month.
Error Conditions:
a) Syntactically incorrect input.
b) Month entered is out of range or not in database.
Enter a range of date to display or a specific delivery id. Also the option to print report.
An instance or instances of Delivery is displayed. Which includes Delivery ID, Delivery Date, Delivery Time, Delivery User Last Name, Delivery User First Name, Delivery User ID, Gas Type Delivered, Delivery Tank ID, Delivery Tank Level Before, Delivery Tank Level Added, Delivery Tank Level After and Delivery Total Value
Error Conditions:
a) Syntactically incorrect input.
b) Delivery ID is not in database or date is out of range.
The range of dates credit cards were rejected. Also the option to print the report.
The credit card number, card holder's name, status, and the action taken.
Error Conditions:
a) Syntactically incorrect input.
b) The specified range is not in the database.
The date/time of the new reporting period.
The date and time of the old reporting period is displayed. A prompt will ask the user if the change is what was intended and if yes then the period is changed.
Error Conditions:
a) Syntactically incorrect input.
b) The specified date or time is not in the database.
Inputs: None.
Displays the functionalties of each of the menu choices. Also how to make a selection.
Error Conditions: None.
Each of the following processes are activated by pressing a button for that process activity.
Allow user to activate or shutdown any of the station facilities.
This process will diplay the status of all station facilities, and will allow the user to change any one of them from "on" to "off" or "off" to "on". Only one status for each of the station facilities will be selected (ie. button pressed). No single one can ever have both "on" and "off" pressed at the same time. All selections will be buffered as the changes will not take effect immediately but buttons will still be shown pressed according to any changes.
Each of these controlled station facilities will be represented by a pictoral icon with two buttons beside it. The buttons will be tagged "on" and "off" and only one will be shown pressed at all times.
We will assume any manual shutdowns or activations at the station site will require advising Head Office prior to doing so. Therefore, a notification on the system will not be required. We feel that it is not possible to implement and simulate this type of real-time, immediate notification of a manual shutdown or activation, on the system due to the time constraints for the project.
To confirm that user changes to station facilities will take effect immediately.
Also write changes to database and initiate station changes if Continue button is selected. Activate/Shutdown Facilities status screen displayed if Redo button is selected. Text window displaying descriptions of each of the three buttons (Continue, Redo, Cancel) and what is the result when selected.
When something has been changed in the Activate/Shutdown Facilities screen, a flag will be set (Change) to indicate this. So when the screen is exited, a window will appear with a prompt to make sure the user wants to accept the changes. At this time, the user is given four choices (buttons):
All information about changes are kept in a buffer and it is only written back to the database when the changes are accepted (ie. selected Continue button). The Help button will activate a help window with text describing each of the other three buttons. Contained in this window will also be an OK button to return to the previous window prompt.
-Show user the status of all station pumps and related information.
The activated process will display relevant information about all the pumps located at the station. The screen will be divided into the number of pumps available at the station and each pump will have a section assigned to it for displaying its information. Each pump section will have a numbered icon to represent the pump. Different fuel types will be represented by different icons along with the actual type of fuel in words. This will help distinguish different fuel type immediately. Price per litre and totat gas sold will just be simple numerical values. The pump status, whether it is on or off, will be indicated by a highly visible flag.
All information displayed is taken from the database when this process begins so any changes while the display is up will not be reflected immediately, but will be shown the next time the display in brought up.
A Return to Station Operations Menu button will be available for the user when finished viewing the information.
-Show user the status of all station tanks and related information.
-Show user the status of all station equipment and related information.
Information on station equipment will be displayed on this screen. Each piece of equipment, either it be calibration equipment or tank equipment or pump equipment, will be mentioned in this screen and it will show whether it is OK or NOT OK. This will simply be highlighted text displayed beside the name of the equipment and its icon. Each piece of equipment will have its own icon so it can be identified/located faster.
All information displayed is taken from the database when this process begins so any changes while the display is up will not be reflected immediately, but will be shown the next time the display in brought up. So when a piece of equipment suddenly malfunctions while this display is being viewed, then it will not show up as NOT OK. ***Also note that due to time constraints it is not possible to implement and simulate an real-time, interactive malfunction.***
A Return to Station Operations Menu button will be available for the user when finished viewing the information.
-Window with an explanation of each of the other 5 buttons on the menu.
The text window that is displayed will contain information about what the following buttons do:
An OK button will be available for the user when finished viewing the information.
This utility is called to return from submenus (offering this option) to the Main Menu.
For the purposes of fuel delivery, as well as for maintenance, a terminal with a link to the head office system will be available at the station sight.
When a fuel delivery to the station is made, the deliverer will be asked to login to the system. The system will recognize the access level, and allow the user to perform only a very restricted number of operations.
The user will be presented with a screen similar to the following:
Process Description:
The user will first be asked to enter their name for record keeping purposes. Then the screen will show the number of tanks and the type of fuel stored in each, and allow the user to unlock these, one at a time, by clicking on a button corresponding to the appropriate tank. A message will also be displayed, asking the user to enter the amount of fuel dispensed into the tank once the filling is finished.
When the tank is filled, the user will be expected to enter the amount of fuel dispensed. The input will be checked to ensure that it is numeric. If it is not, a message will be displayed asking the user to reenter the value, stressing that units are not required. The input value as well as the new gauge level reading, deliverer's name, and date and time of delivery will will be stored in the central database. The tank is automatically locked and the system will return to the login screen.
This screen will allow the user to change the user accounts on the system. This will be necessary to update the user database when staff changes occurr. The administration screen will look similar to the following:
When the help button is pressed, the purpose of each option will be displayed, as well as a description of the fields which need to be filled for each.
The exit botton will log the user out and redisplay the login screen.
By selecting the appropriate page, one of the following processes will be initiated.
For adding users, the system will send an entry to the user database to be added, according to the fields entered on the add user screen.
For deletion of users, the system will first verify if the user is in the database, and if there is no corresponding entry, will prompt the user to this effect. The administrative account on the system will be unable to delete itself from the system, so that the user database can never be sealed.
When a password change is requested, the system will first verify the user's existance, then verify the current password before sending the new password field to the user database for updating.
Phong Tu(Reports), | Les Loh(Station Operations), | Francis Nguyen (Main menus, Change Price), Dom Royko (Administration,Delivery).
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Supplier Group 11 |Last Updated on 2/09/97
By Carey Dean Bingham