Testing: Accounting Functions
Tested functions are:
- Accounting
- Generate invoice
- Display invoice
- Print invoice
- Search for invoice
- Quarterly report
- Date to date report
- Generate report
- Paid invoice
- Unpaid invoice report
- Section: Orders and Accounting
- Tests
- Basic check to ensure all menu options are accessable for the following security levels: management and room service. This is just a linkage test.
- Section: Accounting
- Tests
- Basic check to ensure all menu options are accessable for the following security levels: management and accounting. This is just a linkage test.
- Section: Generate Invoice
- Tests
- Enter an invalid invoice number. This should display a message box that informs the user that the invoice number is invalid.
- Enter an invoice number that doesn't exist. This should return a message box informing the user that the invoice number does not exist.
- Enter an existing invoice number. This should display the invoice generation dialog.
- Section: Display Invoice
- Tests
- Enter an invalid invoice number. This should display a message box that informs the user that the invoice number is invalid.
- Enter an invoice number that doesn't exist. This should return a message box informing the user that the invoice number does not exist.
- Enter an existing invoice number. This will display the invoice and ask the user if they wish to print the invoice.
- Section: Print Invoice
- Tests
- Enter an invalid invoice number.This should display a message box that informs the user that the invoice number is invalid.
- Enter an invoice number that doesn't exist. This should return a message box informing the user that the invoice number does not exist.
- Enter an existing invoice number. This should inform the user that the invoice is being printed.
- Section: Search For Invoice
- Tests
- Check invalid room number. This should return an error message box informing the user that the room number is invalid.
- Check invalid employee name. This should return an error message box informing the user that the employee number is invalid.
- Check invalid guest name. This should return an error message box informing the user that that the guest name is invalid.
- Check invalid date. This should return an error message box informing the user that the date is invalid.
- Check invalid employee ID. This should return an error message box informing the user that the employee ID is invalid.
- Check invalid guest ID. This should return an error message box informing the user that the guest ID is invalid.
- Check valid room number.
- Check valid employee name.
- Check valid guest name.
- Check valid date.
- Check valid employee ID.
- Check valid guest ID.
- Upon inputing all the valid information the invoice should be retrieved.
- Search for an invoice that does not exist. This should return a message box informing the user that the invoice requested does not exist.
- Section: Quarterly Report
- Tests
- Attempt before there is enough data for quarterly report. This should display a message box informing the user that there is not enough data for the quarter, and then display the data.
- Attempt after there is enough data. The function should display the quarterly report data.
- Section: Date To Date Report
- Tests
- Attempt a date of improper format. This should display a message box telling the user that the date format was incorrect.
- Enter start date less than end date. This should display a message box informing the user that the end date occurs before the start date.
- Attempt a period were there has been no data. This should display a message box informing the user that there is no data for that period.
- Attempt a valid time period. The function should display the data for the specified period.
- Section: Generate Report
- Tests
- Generate a report and check hard copy for errors.
- Section: Pay Invoice
- Tests
- Enter an invalid invoice number. This should return an error message box informing the user that the invoice number is invalid.
- Enter an invoice number that doesn't exist. This should return an error message box informing the user that the invoice does not exist.
- Enter an invoice number of on that has already been paid. This should return an error message box informing the user that the invoice has already been paid.
- Enter an existing invoice number. A dialog box asking for payment information should be displayed.
- Section: Unpaid Invoice Report
- Tests
- Test when there exists no unpaid invoices. This should return a message box informing the user that there are no unpaid invoices.
- Test when there exists unpaid invoices. This should display a dialog box containing all the unpaid invoice numbers, their totals and a grand total.