Testing: Main Menu Functions
Tested functions are:
- Startup
- Login
- Main Menu
- Logout
- Shutdown
- Section: Startup
- Tests
- When the system is loaded, ensure that login prompt commences.
- Section: Login
- Tests
- Enter non-existing employee. The function should return a message box informing the user that the employee does not exist.
- Enter incorrect name or password. The function should return a message box informing the user that the name or password was invalid. After 5 attempts the user account should be locked.
- Enter invalid password. See above.
- Enter correct name and password. The function should allow the user to proceed to the main menu.
- Section: Main Menu
- Tests
- When a correct password is entered, ensure the correct menu are called.
- Section: Logout
- Tests
- Ensure that the user is properly prompted so that they know that they are logging out. Attempt both logout and cancel. A cancel should return the user to the last menu they used. While a logout should exit the system cleanly.
- Section: Shutdown
- Tests
- Ensure that the system closes the data bases as well as exits correctly. This will require an examination of the database structure, something that is easy to accomplish in access.