Document Navigator For The Design Index (Testing Document)
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     The following will be checked for correctness:
  1. user can remove a customer from the View/Update Customer page successfully,
  2. the system notifies the user if there are any books on loan for that customer and will not remove that customer,
  3. the system notifies the user if there are any outstanding fines for that customer and will not remove that customer unless the user enters the correct supervisor password, and
  4. ensure that customer is actually removed from the database.


Data Used                                   
To check 1):
ADD a customer with the following data:
Last Name: Dandy
First Name: Jim
Phone Number: (402)243-9898
Address: 1024 Sprinklewood Way
City: Shelbyville
Province: OK
Country: USA
Postal Code: 9010290901

Enter the View/Update window for that customer and press the REMOVE button.

Expected Results - The customer will be successfully removed.

To check 2):
Create a customer with the following data with a query:
Last Name: Dandy
First Name: Jim
Phone Number: (402)243-9898
Address: 1024 Sprinklewood Way
City: Shelbyville
Province: OK
Country: USA
Postal Code: 9010290901

Create a Loan record for this customer and then enter the View/Update window for that customer and press the REMOVE button.

Expected Results - The system will notify the user with a dialog box that the customer has books on loan and will discontinue the REMOVE process.

To check 3):
Create a customer with the following data with a query:
Last Name: Dandy
First Name: Jim
Phone Number: (402)243-9898
Address: 1024 Sprinklewood Way
City: Shelbyville
Province: OK
Country: USA
Postal Code: 9010290901
Fines: 1986.99

Enter the View/Update window for that customer and press the REMOVE button.

Expected Results - The system will notify the user of outstanding fines with a message box and will not remove the customer unless the correct supervisor password is supplied.

To check 4):
ADD a customer with the following data:
Last Name: Dandy
First Name: Jim
Phone Number: (402)243-9898
Address: 1024 Sprinklewood Way
City: Shelbyville
Province: OK
Country: USA
Postal Code: 9010290901

Then enter the View/Update screen and click on the REMOVE button. Quit the program and query the database to ensure that the record no longer exists.

Expected Results - The customer will not be in the database any longer.


Document Navigator For The Design Index (Testing Document)
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(Book Administration)
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(Customer Administration)
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Previous (Search Customer) View / Update Next (Supervisor Approval)

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