- To check 1):
- ADD a customer with the following data:
Last Name: Dandy
First Name: Jim
Phone Number: (402)243-9898
Address: 1024 Sprinklewood Way
City: Shelbyville
Province: OK
Country: USA
Postal Code: 9010290901
Enter the View/Update window for that customer and press the REMOVE button.
Expected Results -
The customer will be successfully removed.
- To check 2):
- Create a customer with the following data with a query:
Last Name: Dandy
First Name: Jim
Phone Number: (402)243-9898
Address: 1024 Sprinklewood Way
City: Shelbyville
Province: OK
Country: USA
Postal Code: 9010290901
Create a Loan record for this customer and then enter the View/Update window for that customer and press the REMOVE button.
Expected Results -
The system will notify the user with a dialog box that the customer has books on loan and will discontinue the REMOVE process.
- To check 3):
- Create a customer with the following data with a query:
Last Name: Dandy
First Name: Jim
Phone Number: (402)243-9898
Address: 1024 Sprinklewood Way
City: Shelbyville
Province: OK
Country: USA
Postal Code: 9010290901
Fines: 1986.99
Enter the View/Update window for that customer and press the REMOVE button.
Expected Results - The system will notify the user of outstanding fines with a message box and will not remove the customer unless the correct supervisor password is supplied.
- To check 4):
- ADD a customer with the following data:
Last Name: Dandy
First Name: Jim
Phone Number: (402)243-9898
Address: 1024 Sprinklewood Way
City: Shelbyville
Province: OK
Country: USA
Postal Code: 9010290901
Then enter the View/Update screen and click on the REMOVE button. Quit the program and query the database to ensure that the record no longer exists.
Expected Results - The customer will not be in the database any longer.