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Borrowing a Book                                   


User ID Number
A unique ID Number for each Customer, which must be inputted by the Librarian. If not known, however, the Customer's name (Last, First) or the Customer's Phone Number may be used to search the database.
Call Number
Call Number of the book copy. There will be a 10 digit numeric field, which must be completed by the Librarian. If unknown, the Call Number can be searched for in the database using either the ISBN Number or the Title of the Book.


     Upon accepting the input, a message will be displayed to inform the Librarian that the command was successful. This brings up another window on the screen, prompting the Librarian to either print a report of the transaction and exit, or to simply


Error Handling                                   
     Syntax errors on inputs to the fields with required formats.
     Input missing from a field (both inputs must be completed).
     Invalid input: the User ID Number doesn't exist in the database. The Librarian will have the option of automatically adding the Customer to the database, by pressing the ADD NEW button.
     Invalid input: the Call Number doesn't exist in the database. The Librarian will be prompted to re-enter the Call Number into the text box.
     The Customer is not allowed to borrow a book. A message will appear informing the Librarian of this action, and the transaction will be exited.


Borrowing a Book Window
This window contains text entry fields for: User ID and Call Number.

Buttons present: SEARCH (for a Customer ID), SEARCH (for a Call Number), ADD NEW (Customer ID), CLEAR, OK, CANCEL, HELP

SEARCH (beside the Customer ID field)
Upon selection, the search (Customer) module will check to see any fields have been entered.

If no fields have been entered, the module will beep once and display the message: "Please enter a search criteria in the field(s) supplied." The search will be discontinued, and control returns to the "Borrowing A Book" window.

The ID number field will be checked for formatting errors.

If a format error is found, the system will beep and display the message: "Format error in field 'ID Number'." The search will then be discontinued, and control returns to the "Borrowing A Book" window.

The search module will then formulate a Query based on the information present and send that query to the database.

If the database responds with an unrecoverable error, this module will pass that error to the error handling module and discontinue the search attempt.

The results of the search will be displayed in a new pop-up box, sorted alphabetically by last and first name.

If the list has a length of 0 then the following message will pop-up: "No matching items found. Please modify search criteria and reselect search, or select CANCEL to quit."

SEARCH (beside the Call Number field)
Upon selection, the search (Call Number) module will check to see any fields have been entered.

If no fields have been entered, the module will beep once and display the message: "Please enter a search criteria in the field(s) supplied." The search is discontinued, and control returns to the "Borrowing A Book" window.

The Call Number field will be checked for formatting errors.

If a formatting error is found, the system will beep and display the message: "Format error in field 'Call Number'." The search will then be discontinued, and control returns to the "Borrowing A Book" window.

The search module will then formulate a Query based on the information present and send that query to the database.

If the database responds with an unrecoverable error, this module will pass that error to the error handling module and discontinue the search attempt.

The results of the search will be displayed in a new pop-up box, sorted alphabetically by book title.

If the list has a length of 0 then the following message will pop-up: "No matching items found. Please modify search criteria and reselect search, or select CANCEL to quit."

ADD NEW (beside the Customer ID field)
Adds the Customer to the database automatically when pressed, as per the details of the 'Add Customer' module.
Once selected, the system checks to see if all of the fields have been entered correctly and there is an entry for each field. If there are any format errors in the information fields, a message box will pop up and display a message with a list of each field that was incorrectly entered.

Buttons Present: OK, HELP

Select OK to close the message box.
Select HELP for more specific information about the problem.

The system attempts to process the request to borrow a book, using the inputs provided. If the operation could not be performed, a message box will pop up and display a message stating the nature of the problem. This error may occur if the Customer is not permitted to borrow from the Library, has too many books on loan/hold, etc ...

Button Present: CANCEL

When selected, this button cancels the attempted operation and returns to the "Transaction Administration" window.

If the operation could be performed, the system will update the appropriate Customer and Book information in the database. If an error occurs at this point, control is passed to the error handler along with the error code.

If the process was successful, a message box will pop up. Message: "Process Successful!"

Buttons Present: OK, PRINT

Prints out a statement of information for the Customer, which includes the following:
  • Borrower Name, Book Information, Due Date, and Fines to be incurred should the book be returned late.
  • Library information including its Address, Phone Number, and Hours of Operation.

When selected, the message box is closed as well as the "Borrowing a Book" window, and control is returned to the "Transaction Administration" window.

When selected, the contents in the text entry fields are cleared, and control is returned to the 'Borrow a Book' window.
If selected, the "Borrow a Book" window is closed, and control is returned to the "Transaction Administration" window.
Provides information about this window, the inputs, and the function that each button performs, via a pop-up window.


Screen ShotThe Librarian inputs the Customer's ID and the Call Number, then selects the 'OK' button to process the inputs. If the Customer is not a member of the Library System, the Librarian simply presses the ADD NEW button, and the Customer is automatically added to the database without leaving this process.

If the transaction fails to complete to due the Customer having too many fines, or is not allowed to borrow books for any other reason, a message is displayed to the Librarian, explaining this, and the process will be canceled, returning the Librarian to the "Transaction Administration" window. If the transaction was a success, the Librarian will be prompted to print a report of the transaction by pressing the PRINT button, or to exit by pressing the CANCEL button. By pressing the PRINT button, a report containing the following information will be printed:

  • Borrower of the book, Book Copy Information, Due Date, and Fines to be incurred should the book be returned late.
  • Library information including its Address, Phone Number, and Hours of Operation.

Pressing the CANCEL button will return the Librarian to the "Transaction Administration" window. Pressing the CANCEL button at any time will end the current operation, and exit the module.


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