Canceling Holds on Book Copies

General Description
This screen allows a librarian to enter all of the information to renew a single book copy or multiple book copies that has(have) been borrowed. A user ID number is entered along with a list of all call numbers of the book copies to be canceled. The system returns with a list of the call numbers and whether they were able to be canceled or not.

Screen Description
Customer IDEnter the user ID number of the customer canceling the books (required).
Customer Add ButtonCreates a new customer in the library system.
Customer Search ButtonFinds the customer ID number of a customer in the library system by searching.
Call NumbersA list of the call numbers of the books that are being canceled (required).
Book Copy Search ButtonFinds the call number of a book in the library system by searching.
Clear ButtonClears the entries to start the session over again.
OK ButtonExits and attempts to allow the customer specified to cancel the book copies listed. Results will be displayed afterwards.
Print ButtonExits, attempts to allow the customer specified to cancel the book copies listed, and prints out the results.
Cancel ButtonCancels this transactions and exits the screen.
Help ButtonGets help on using the Cancel Holds Book Copies screen of the book management system.
Results GridDisplays a list of the book copies that were attempted to be canceled . First column lists the call number, second column says whether or not the action was successful, and the third column gives a reason if the action was unsuccessful.
OK ButtonExits this results screen.

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