This is handled just as traditional windows help is. The user is presented with a menu and is able to select:
(a) Topic Search: this gives the user the ability to search for key words pretaining to what they are trying to do. For example, if the user typed in add classes, then the user would be presented a windows which would include a text/picture description of all the topics that applied to the search.
(b) About: this just gives general information regarding the system. For example, who designed the project, design team names etc...
(c) Search: this presents the user with a dialog box that contains a listing of all the possible search topics with regards to the registration system. The user can type in a topic and then click a results box item to go to that hypertext link.
If the user clicks on a help button at any time while using the application, a hypertext style help window is displayed. This window lists the major help topics with regards to the registration system and allows the user to click one of the links to narrow down topics. Eventually, by following such links, any topic can be narrowed down and found. While in this help window, the user can:
(a) Bookmark Topics: A bookmark file is maintained and allows the user to create a link (or bookmark) to any link. All they have too do when they want to go to this link again is select the desired bookmark.
(b) Forward: Allows the user to advance to the next page of the help that he/she just visited.
(c) Back: Allows the user to go to the previous page of help that they were just in. Both the BACK and FORWARD buttons can be clicked multiple times.
(d) Search: is the same as the search listed above.
The user is also able to:
(a) CUT / COPY any help topic
(b) Save any help topic
(c) Exit Windows University Registration System help