Understanding EDI (http://www.premenos.com/premenos/edi/edi.html)
This is an article that describes what EDI is and explains how it can benefit
companies. Company benefits come in these catagories:
- Save Time and Money
- Improve Customer Service
- End Repetition - there is only one copy of the documents
- Expand Customer Base
Back at the EDI Standards I checked out the protocols for EDI. As it turns
out there are only these two supported standards:
- UN/EDIFACT (http://www.premenos.com/unedifact/content.html).
This is the standard set up by the United Nations. Primarily used by
European countries. The actual definition of UN/EDIFACT can be found here http://www.premenos.com/unedifact/untdid/table.html.
The actual specification for Syntax Rules, Syntax Implementation Guidelines and Message
Design Guidelines (pretty dry reading).
- X12 (http://www.premenos.com/X12/index/setindex.html).
The ANSI standard, predominately used by the USA and Canada (due to the amount
of trade done with the US). A newer standard is being formed that will bring the two standards closer together.
A company that is using EDI is Nissan (http://www.premenos.com/Guidelines/nissan/toc.html).
(There are more but their pages are underconstruction)
The EDI Standards has three pictures with sites attached to them.
The first is
linked to The Electronic Commerce Resource Guide (http://www.premenos.com/index.html).
This appears to be a starting point to the EDI Standards (or it is just a
circular reference). There is a link to the Electronic Commerce
Resources (http://www.premenos.com/Resources/guide.html).
From here you can find information about network providers and some periodical.
These two topics are covered later.
The second picture is linked to About Premenos Corp (http://www.premenos.com/premenos/Premenos.html).
Here is a quote from the Premenos:
Premenos is setting the agenda for true electronic commerce and EDI internationally
and on the Internet. Premenos EDI software is an enabling strategy for transforming how
corporations conduct business in extended enterprises using electronic communications for
Premenos has a number of products, here is
This is an advanced EDI interface that uses e. This is a patented 4GL.
The third picture is a linked to Electronic Commerce Resources (http://www.premenos.com/Resources/guide.html).
I choose Periodicals (http://www.premenos.com/Resources/per.html)
from the menu and found:
After reading the article I returned to the Electronic Commerce Resources to
check out some other menu items.
Network Providers was were I went next. Here is the list of providers
that I found.
This is as far as I traveled down this path. Next is a jump back to the
Electronic Commerce Resource Guide.
From picture
The Electronic Commerce Resource Guide I checked out What's New (http://www.premenos.com/Whatsnew.html).
I found the latest newsletter for PremeNews
Two articles of interest are:
Another site from the web crawler
vrije Universiteit (http://www.econ.vu.nl/pages/bik/bik.html)
pointed me to EDISPUUT (Research on EDI) (http://www.econ.vu.nl/pages/edispuut/edispuut.html). This is a consortium of Ph.D. students of several major Dutch universities and research
institutes. Another option from here is completed Ph.D research
Unfortunately the 9 papers on various aspects of EDI are all under construction.
From the web crawler search I went to the Sterling Software Home page (From the non-graphic one)
(http://www.sterling.com/). Options from
here are:
Here is a site with a glossary on EDI
For more definition of terms try here (http://www.premenos.com/Guidelines/nissan/pg4.html).
As can happen when surfing the Web I got lost. Here are some sites that I found
that I do not know the path I took to them.