CPSC 547 Presentation:
Training, Ethics & Liability
The presenters:
Navin Jetha,
Nuredeen Bhanji,
Alvin Ng,
Rhod Hubbard
The process of managing people's experiences so that they gain the
requisite knowledge and skills that give them the potential to perform.
Training is an investment in people and involves downstream recurring costs.
Aiding focuses on augmenting task performance directly with emphasis on task-specific behaviors to be prompted and enhanced. It is an investment in technology and has upstream capital costs.
Some of the Topics covered
- Training & Aiding, with comparison
- Instructional System Design
- 7 steps of instructional design
- Training Methods
- Effectiveness and Efficiency
- Training vs. Aiding : Advantages & Disadvantages
- List of Training Programs/Applications with descriptions
To full text for Training
disclaimer of LIABILITY
The information contained herein should not be considered as legal
advice since laws in various parts of the world change with time and
jurisdiction. This information should be used only as a very general guide.
If you attempt to use this in any court of law, you do so at your own risk.
What is Liability?
To be blunt, it is when you are held responsible for your actions that,
directly or indirectly, result in damage or harm to anothers person or
property. When related to the field of Computer Science, it generally
refers to hardware and software failure and who is responsible for the
cause of the failure, the user?, the information system professional?,
(ie programmer, designer, system analyst), the hardware manufacturers?,
the commercial software developers?. Who is put on the "hot seat"?
The hardware and software and computer industry in general has the ability to
cause damage to property and persons. The question is, who is liable and where
does liability end? The hardware side can be viewed as a product in most cases
which makes it easier deal with liability. Software can be viewed as a product
or a service. The legal system treats product and service liability
Topics covered
- Information Liability
- Professional Liability for information professionals
- Networks and Liability
- Computer Viruses
- Knowledge Bases & Artificial Intelligence
- Reliability of Software and Hardware
- Software related
- Hardware related
To full text for Liability
- All Science Fields have some kind of ethics document, for professionals
of that field to abide by:
- For Example, Engineering has code of Ethics prescribed by IEEE(Institute of
Electrical and Electronic Engineering)
- Medicine has Hippocratic Oath,
- Computer Science has ACM (Association of Computing Machines) Code of Ethics
Why do we have Codes of Ethics?
- Professional Association's way to establish themselves as a Profession
- As a means to regulate their membership and thereby convince the public that
they deserve to be self-regulating
- A way to deter unethical behavior of its members
Some of the Topics covered:
Why do we have Codes of Ethics
When do we learn Ethics
Why Change and Re-evaluate ethical principles in Computer and Data Communication?
Computers and Data Communication systems
Need for Code of Ethics
Development of Computer spurs need for Code of Ethics
Computers as producers of new forms and types of assets
Computers have attained Symbol of intimidation and deception
Current Law(federal, state, and provincial)
ACM 1972-Code of Ethics, 1992-ACM Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct
Bill C-60 COPYRIGHT LEGISLATION and Amendments of Bill C-60
Methods of Enforcing and Teaching Code of Ethics
To full text for Ethics
Training, Ethics & Liability can be seen as ways (which tightly complements each other)
to resolve the problems we face now in a society. One cannot go without the other, just
as Training is as much as a method to reduce Liabilities as a Code of Ethics to determine
what wrong is been done, who is at fault, which then, the appropriate punishment (Liabilities)
is rendered. Due to its such a broad area of discussion, our group will focus mainly
to issues that are computer related.
- How does Ethics fit in?
- How does Training fit in?
- How does Liability fit in?
A look at applications that are closely related to cpsc students in the areas
of ethics and training. Two video clips from the documentary "Machines that
changed the world" show how computers can disrupt lives of people through
errors and misuse.
Issues to think about:
- Will extensive training solve all our problems?
- Can a Code of Ethics really help us decipher what is right and wrong?
- How far or what limit should we increase the liability in order to deter crime?
- How far should we allow knowledge-base systems to automate our lives? How much are we willing to sacrifice?
To full text for relationships
last update April 5, 1995.
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