CPSC547 Project Application Page
WordPerfect Envoy
WordPerfect Envoy is a portable document creator and viewer used to
create electronic documents. These documents can be viewed across a
variety of hardware and software platforms independent of the fonts and
graphics present on each computer platform.
Screen Snapshot
The main working area in Envoy shows the document as it would appear in
printed form. This area can be zoomed in or out to suit the monitor
size. Links are supported within a document but not between documents.
These links are shown as characters displayed in a different colour than
the rest of the text (chosen by the user). A user can highlight text,
create notes, or generate bookmarks in a document.
Envoy also supports bitmaps within its documents. It supports various
bitmap compression options and colour depths. Envoy documents do not require
a substantial amount of storage. A sample Microsoft Word document of 300 pages,
with numerous TrueType and Type 1 fonts and imbedded graphics, required 766 KB
of storage space.
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