You are considering
software and
capabilities in the context
Software that censors
The capabilities
Can delete from dictionary--Cannot delete from dictionary
Can add to dictionary--Cannot add to dictionary
are very similar - click here if you want to enter another software to distinguish them
The software
Cyber Patrol
The Internet Filter: Version One
are very similar - click here if you want to enter another capability to distinguish them
You can elicit another capability using a triad of software
If you want specific software included, select them in the list below
You can delete, edit, add and show matches among software
Net Nanny
Surf Watch
Cyber Sitter
The Internet Filter: Version Zero
Cyber Patrol
The Internet Filter: Version One
You can delete, edit, add and show matches among capabilities
Can delete from dictionary--Cannot delete from dictionary
Can add to dictionary--Cannot add to dictionary
Update is free--Update is not free
Less than or equal to $40.00 US--Greater than $40.00 US
Dictionary updated atleast twice a month--Dictonary updated not at all or once a month
has CompuServer as a server--does not have CompuServe as a server
You can save or display the grid
You can edit the terms
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