Cpsc 547: Project 3 - Web Grid

Part 1: Exploration

Description of Grid

The domain of the grid I created was "Musical Understanding." The elements I chose for the grid were either names of musical groups or musical instruments, and the constructs fell into three categories. The constructs either differentiated a performer from an instrument, differentiated a group from a single group member, or it differentiated types of music.

This is a link to my grid.

Initial Impressions

I found Web Grid easy to use once I understood its purpose. I began with my own grid, rather than looking at an example, and found that Web Grid works better if the domain is quite specific. In my case, trying to decide if a musical instrument was a single person or a group of people did not make sense. If I focused my domain on musical performers, this problem would not have occurred.

The down side of my Web Grid experience was its functionality. After I created a grid I pressed the display button. The grid appeared as it should. I then went to look at another grid. When I pressed display the first grid appeared. I then pressed the "PrinCom" and the "FOCUS" buttons, but I still got the same initial grid. I actually had to reload Netscape to view the second grid. Also, I had reload Netscape every time I wanted to view a grid in more than one form in the same session (i.e. first in "display" mode and then in "PrinCom" mode).

Part 2: Elicitation of Constructs on CPSC 547 Topics

How I Developed My Constructs

I developed most of my constructs off-line. I feel it is a good idea to create as many constructs as possible without the help of Web Grid. Once you have a good base set of constructs, allow Web Grid to help you differentiate between the ones that are closely related.

Description of the Grid

This grid deals with topics that were covered in CPSC 547. It considers constructs such as social factors, a technologies, and methodologies.

This is a link to my grid.

Comparison of the Grids

There are four categories for comparing constructs. Consensus means the terminology and the distinctions are the same, correspondence means the terminology is different and the distinctions are the same, conflict means the terminology is the same and the distinctions are different, and contrast means the terminology is different and the distinctions are different.

The comparison between Gaines' grid and my own revealed that the closest relation of similar construct pairs was "communication medium - methodologies" and "Novel communication - Conventional communication." I would describe these with the term "correspondence" because one relates two types of communications, while the other relates communication to something different. Therefore, the terms are different, but the distinctions are closely related. The most distant relation of similar construct pairs was "heavily influences society - does not influence society" and "application - development tool." The term "contrast" describes these because one is a social factor, the other is a technology, and they are not closely related.

Part 3: Elicitation of Constructs on your Presentation Project

Description of Grid

The grid is concerned with computer security and privacy issues. It looks at such issues as encryption, piracy, and viruses.

This is a link to my grid.

Grid Analysis

The grid seems to be quite accurate. It related the elements viruses, worms, and Trojan horses together, firewalls and data encryption together, and Bill C-60 and copyright laws together. As far as constructs go, it related "technology - non technology" and "technology - person" together, and "social issue - not social issue" and "legislation - not legislation" together. These relations were expected before the grid was made.
