
The purpose of this web page is to summarize my experiences with WebGrid for my CPSC 547 class.

Part1 - Exploration

To start using WebGrid, I decided to attempt to evaluate some books I had read. Initially, I did not understand the meaning of 'elements' and 'constructs' so I entered them in backwards. After several aborted attempts at making sense of the mess, I loaded up one of the pre-made grids, which showed me where I had gone wrong.

Now that I had a good idea how to go about the grid creation, I went ahead and plugged in some values. I did not find the Triad function to be of much use, although it did confuse me nicely on my first attempt, when my constructs and elements were switched. I found it most useful to analyze what it was about books that I liked, such as length, topic, interest level, and proceeded to dream up constructs that accurately described those attributes.

Here is a link to the grid.

Part2 - Elicitation of constructs on CPSC547 topics

This part was a little more difficult to do because it was hard finding constructs that were meaningful to all the 547 topics listed. In the end, I decided on the following:

Recent Developments Been around a while
System dependent Complete system abstraction
Individual centered Corporation centered
Inexpensive Expensive
Relatively unused Used everywhere
Will die off Enormous growth potential

When making the choice for these constructs, I found myself drawn to choosing ones that were clearly good on one side and clearly bad on the other. For instance, Inexpensive - Expensive. However, I could not do so for all constructs and felt that I had somehow failed. I admit I am still uncertain if that should be a goal to strive for or not.

In the resulting comparison of our two grids, most of the constructs failed to match up, but there were a few interesting anolgies.

One interesting correlation was between Relatively Unused - Used Everywhere and Development Tool - Application. It makes sense that development tools are far less used that application tools by the majority of the population.

Unfortunately, a four-way comparison of the constructs used shows that we differ in terminology as well as distinctions.

Here is a link to the grid.

Part 3 - Object Oriented Databases

My part of the group presentation was object oriented databases. I have chosen to evaluate six of them based on common criteria useful to anyone wishing to meaningfully compare them. Here is my initial grid:

The PrinCom analysis shows some interesting things:

Here, an implied relationship exists between Fast and Fakes Object Orientedness. This tells me that true object oriented databases are not as fast as their near-object counterparts.

The focus follows:

The focus analysis clearly demonstrates that the least expensive systems are also the least used ones. This illustrates a general market fact: Once you have a great system and people want it, raise the price.

Here is a link to the grid.


Although I was initially skeptical as to how useful this system is, I now realize that it permits the user a glimpse at their data from a totally different perspective. It graphically shows us what should have been obvious in the first place, as well as things that you would normally never have thought of.

Please feel free to e-mail me with questions about my WebGrid experience.

Dima Mnushkin Mail