X.500 Directory Services
- Amount of information available online is exponentially exploding
- This wealth of information is only useful if you can locate what you are after
- Searching for information on that obscure product in Zimbabwe?
- Looking for that printer in the head office of a multinational corporation to send your resume to?
- Directory Services to the rescue!
Current Directory Services
- Data Defense Network Network Info Center
- Assigns and tracks IP addresses
- Large central DB
- Slow, inacccessable if one link goes down
- Domain Name Service (DNS)
- Map names to IP (Internet Protocol) addresses (ie. fsj.cpsc.ucalgary.ca =
- Distributed, backup machines
- Fast, well suited to task
- Not suitably flexible to track other information
- Poor search capabilities
The X.500 Solution
- Primarily business oriented ITU-T (International Telecommunications Union - Technology, formerly the CCITT) standard
- Globally distributed hiearchical directory database
- Decentralized maintenance (each site responsible for it’s own tree
- Powerful search engine allows complex queries
- Sinlge homogenus namespace; more expandable and flexible than that used by DNS
- Enforced standard allows for easy and universal application access (Lotus Notes, SAP)
X.500 Features
- Database consists of entities belonging to object classes; each entity contains standard and definable attributes
- Examples of object classes: Country, Organization, Organizational Unit
- The object classes define permissable DB structures
- The Directory Information Tree (DIT) stores all data
- The complete tree is dsitributed globally across the world
- Users can directly access the directory through a Directory User Agent (DUA) client
- Portions of the DIT can be replicated on numerous servers for efficiency
- Extensive security features allow selective access to specific areas of the tree depending on the user id
- Aliasing allows a relational component to be added to the DB
- Tree design is very complex, many tradeoffs and design philosophies
- Reorganization of the tree structure can be enormous undertaking (X.700 anticipated to remedy this however)
Current Status
- Widely used in Europe
- Slowly gaining momentum in North America
- Hampered by lack of available expertise
- 3 year waiting list for contractors
- Technology of Star Trek computers
- "locate xxx", tell me about "yyy" and computer will be able to
- Best suited to static data, but pointers can be created to handle dynamic information
- Boasting a very high utility, X.500 provides an excellent solution to the biggest problem facing the information highway.
References/Further Information:
RFC1308: Executive Intro to X.500
RFC1309: Tech Overview of X.500
Sample X.500/WWW Gateways to non-production X.500 directories
Not quite english but it works: X.500 Gateway
Check YAHOO for more & updated gateways
Other sections:
Kevin Ondic: Ethics/Censorship
Jon Cooke: ATM, Fiber Optics, etc.
Tina Petersen: Arpanet, BBS's, HTML, etc.
Nora Lee: Pocket PC, Gopher, FTP, Kermit, Job Hunting, etc.
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