The Past: Not so long ago....
- APRANet -1969 - (Advanced Research Projects Agency Network)
- ARPA was a government agency entrusted with creating the vision of this large, flexible network that should withstand a war.
- The internet was build and designed to be a robust, adaptive, stable wartime network which was meant to support and communicate with different types of hardware
- Many differnt standards are currently implemented on the Internet. A few examples of these include:
- Up until the late 1980s the Internet was a very well kept secret. By far, the vastest majority of users of the Internet were the Universities. Universities, and their people used and were on Internet almost to the exclusion of all others.
- In the late 1980s commercialization hit the Internet
- When the media got a look at the Internet they enthusiastically grabbed onto the Internet as their next tool. After the media got wind of the Internet many corporations
also jumped on the wagon, realizing the potential of the Internet.
- 1990 ARPA dropped out since it was now such an inconsequential part of the Internet
- The Internet is still forming!
- When you consider just how massive and expansive the Internet is now, it is quite breath-taking to imagine it continuing to grow by similar leaps and bounds. This is doubly surprising when you consider that more than half of the World's population has never even seen a telephone.
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