Project 3 - WebGrid
Wei Tam(tamw) Mail

The web page discusses my experience with WebGrid and some of the grids I created for the topics discussed Computer Science 547. Please feel free to enter into any of the WebGrids I have created and add constructs to the grids.

Part 1: Exploration of WebGrid

Description of Grid Created

The WebGrid that I created was based on professional sports and the physical and monetary differences between them. I selected seven sports hockey, lacrosse, basketball, football, tennis, golf and soccer. The constructs used to measure these the different sports where Non Contact/Full Contact, Low Pay/High Pay, Slow Pace/High Pace, Individual/Team, and Minimal training/Intense training. The choices are base on a scale of 1 to 5 and are quite straight forward with the exception of last construct regarding training. I viewed training as the physical conditioning and other activities like weight training but not the actual practicing of skills.

Impression of WebGrid

I found the construction of a WebGrid quite confusing at first, although once I understood what the interface was asking, it was quite simple. Initially I created a grid which had constructs that did not follow the context of my topic, and thus I had to restart. The interface to design these grids

could be better but I understand that the tool and widgets for web pages are limited. Where the interface lacked, could have been compensated by providing documentation, I failed to find any information on how to use WebGrid. In all once someone gets started or has used this tool before it is very easy for them to re-create or design a new grid.

Heres a link to the Sports WebGrid

Part 2: WebGrid for CPSC547 Topics

Development Constructs

I developed constructs through the triad function provide by the WebGrid interface. The function selects 3 of the elements at random, and provides a means of entering a construct. Depending on the 3 elements generated, it can be both easy and difficult to create a construct that differentiates the 3 elements. Most of the time the constructs are of a binary nature, for example you could have a construct Programming Language and Non Programming Language. In this case some elements do not fit within the domain of the construct.

Description of the Grid

The element of the grid have already been defined with the CPSC547 topics, the additions made to the grid was in the area of constructs.

The constructs added to the current grid:
Non Information Interface Information Interface
Platform DependentPlatform Independent
Transparent to UserNon Transparent to User
Non Programming LanguagesProgramming Languages

Comparison of Constructs

1. Non Programming Languages/Programming Languages vs. Multimedia/Programming was a Censensus.
These constructs are very similar both in terminology and distinction, multimedia, is not a programing language, and programming is apart of programming languages.

2. Platform Dependant/Platform Independant vs. Development tool/Application fell in Conflict.
Because the constructs have the same distinction but the terminologies are obviously different.

3. Hardware/Software vs. Semi-autonomous/Only act as programmed was a Censensus.
The comparison grid show that these two construts are very closely related. With only one element of major difference.

4. Transparent to User/Non Transparent to User vs. Targeted on overall system/Targeted on interface landed in the Correspondence section of the grid.
These two constructs are very similar in terminology. They both refer to how a system processes information but there distictions are different.

5. Non Information Interface/Information Interface vs. Programming/Multimedia was a Conflict.
These constructs have some what the same terminalogy but they are distinctly different from each other.

The link to the WebGrid will provide you with the graphed information(the Grid, PrinCom, and Focus) on how closely the constructs match each other. You can also compare the differences and similarities between this grid and the original grid developed by Dr. Gaines.

Here is the link to the CPSC547 topics WebGrid

Part 3: WebGrid for CPSC547 Presentation Topic

Description of the Grid

This grid is based on the topics discussed in my CPSC547 presentation on object oriented technologies. The elements use are object oriented programming, databases, operating systems, graphics and OLE. The Constructs developed for this grid where:
End User Tool Programmer Tool
Low Learning Curve High Learning Curve
Multi-Platform Single-Platform
Free Expensive
Programming Language Non Programming
Specialized/Proprietary Non Specialized/Proprietary

Analysis of the Grid

In PrinCom graph shown below, we can see the Object Oriented Technologies are divided between the constructs Programming Tool and End User Tool, and also place receptively to other construct lines. This diagram is like placing an object in space with x number of dimensions.

The FOCUS produces a graph which shows the which constructs and elements are closely related. Below is a diagram of a FOCUS. The constructs Non Programming Language/Programming language match at almost 90 percent. With the others in the range of 85 percent. You can also see the relationship between the type of Object oriented technology. The technologies seem to be separated based on programming applicable technologies and non programming technologies which is justified by the PrinCom.

Here is a link to the Object Oriented Technology WebGrid


WebGrid is a very good tool to use for comparing entities which have large differences. Once a grid is developed to compare more specific qualities of and object, the constructs and elements are obscured by the individual and the values entered by the individual is bias to their opinion about the subject in question. Part two of this assignment seem to tried to match constructs with another WebGrid. The computer or program that operates WebGrid, did not seem to know what the differences and similarities between constructs and arbitrarily match constructs. Although there where constructs that did match and they seem to make sense, this seems to be very useful and showed a very good comparison between the two grids. WebGrid is a very interesting tool and has great potential for specific application in the future.