CPSC 547 Project 3 : WebGrid

Table of Contents

1. Exploration of webgrid.

Includes the description of the grid created initially while exploring webgrid, comments of my initial impression of webgrid, and links to the grid that I created and the PrinCom and Focus grids.

2. Ellicitation of constructs on a topic I chose.

This includes a discussion on how I developed my own constructs, a general description of the grid, a comparison of the grid that was created for me with a friend who did the exact same grid as I did, but he did his own ranking, and a link to my own grids and a link to the grids that was created for my friend.

3. Ellicitation of constructs on my own 547 presentation topic.

This includes a description of the grid created, an analysis of the grids (Focus, PrinCom), and a link to these grids.